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Starting the Console Process

The LightWave Client Console process runs as a single fault tolerant process pair and may be configured to listen on one or more TCP/IP processes and ports. 


A sample LightWave Client Console process startup macro, ZSTARTUP, is included with the release. Before using for the first time, copy or rename the file to a new name (e.g. FUP DUP ZSTARTUP, STARTUP) so it won't be overwritten by future releases. The sample macro should be suitable for most installations, but it may be necessary to modify certain parameters for your environment. To use the macro: RUN STARTUP 

Starting the Process

The Console is started by running the CONSOLE program from TACL.

tacl> run console / run-options / command-line-options



Start the Console process as a process pair in CPU 0 and 1. The Console may be accessed on port 8080 using HTTP or port 8443 using HTTPS. This example assumes that a server certificate with Common Name has already been installed.

tacl> run console / name $LWCON, cpu 0 / --backupcpu 1 --console-ports $ztc0:8080 $

More Information

For complete information about run-options and command-line-options see the CONSOLE section in Command Line Reference.

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