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1.0 Releases

1.0.7 - 27 Mar 2021

Problems Corrected

[LC-921] - --blob-files option is rejected if it contains more than 2 optional values
[LC-934] - CLIENT may abend when writing diagnostic log after request timeout
[LC-935] - CLIENT ignores socket connection reset while receiving response body on TLS connection
[LC-947] - Diag log system info RVU is incorrect
[LC-949] - DDL generator does not treat ENVIRONMENT as COBOL reserved word
[LC-951] - Fix for LC-917 broke request signing support
[LC-965] - LWCCOM pagesize command may report valid input as invalid
[LC-974] - Setting isSet: true does not work for JSON object serialization when the object is empty

1.0.6 - 28 AUG 2020

Problems Corrected

[LC-293] - API editor swagger import: vague mixed content error when Console is accessed via HTTPS and swagger is HTTP
[LC-844] - CLIENT may abend while parsing digest auth header with specific format
[LC-853] - HTTP log file name sequence does not roll over when date changes
[LC-854] - HTTP log version & date directives have incorrect values
[LC-855] - Console HTTP log time ranges should be in GMT to match the log timezone
[LC-874] - A structure element in an array of structures is not serialized if the element is hidden in a previous structure in the array
[LC-875] - Diagnostic log is corrupted if line break occurs at multi-byte character
[LC-881] - HSTS header may be sent intermittently
[LC-888] - --log startup option ignores "event" format specification
[LC-892] - Scaled integers with values exceeding 12 bytes are serialized as "************"
[LC-893] - unsigned long long values > 9223372036854775807 are not de/serialized correctly
[LC-900] - CONSOLE does not detect when filesystem is not TMF audited, resulting in unpredictable behavior
[LC-904] - Process logging configured at debug level may expose sensitive data in HTTP headers

New Features

[LC-880] - Implement XSRF protection in the Console

1.0.5 - 04 MAR 2020

Problems Corrected

[LC-497] - At sign '@' not parsed correctly when used as option value.
[LC-654] - LWCCOM import cert does not replace existing cert with same common name.
[LC-667] - CONSOLE does not shut down when filesystem in use detected.
[LC-673] - Certificate installation dialogs with textarea fields have no Cancel / Install buttons
[LC-678] - Chunked encoded response is not processed correctly after HTTP 401 challenge
[LC-711] - CLIENT may abend if response payload is larger than IPM blob size
[LC-712] - API editor path field requires leading slash and disallows trailing slash
[LC-714] - CLIENT may abend on startup if client certificate file cannot be opened
[LC-718] - Certificate import with duplicate CN does not replace existing certificate.
[LC-719] - Integer with scale values less than 0.1 are serialized as scientific notation
[LC-723] - Schema editor syntax check no longer works.
[LC-726] - Schema editor error tooltip is not always visible
[LC-770] - CLIENT may abend when configured with invalid base-url
[LC-771] - Log configuration file documentation shows invalid level option "trace"
[LC-772] - INVALID-TYPE error is not documented
[LC-777] - Vague error "Deserialization error: Unexpected json type 0" is reported when the payload contains an object when a primitive is expected.
[LC-778] - Azure IoT Hub request signature algorithm leaks memory.
[LC-779] - String encoding validation leaks memory.
[LC-782] - Deserialization error occurs when the wildcard response is not the last response defined for the operation
[LC-783] - INVALID-HDR-VERSION error (103) is missing from documentation and generated DDL
[LC-784] - Credentials file error is logged with incorrect error code.
[LC-785] - API editor does not refresh when a new version of an API is uploaded
[LC-791] - CLIENT does not shut down when API cannot be opened.
[LC-792] - Intermittent ICU load errors on TNS/E
[LC-801] - CLIENT process leaks memory on each request
[LC-802] - Organization field missing in generated CSR
[LC-808] - Client application receives connection reset or timeout error when HTTP 401 response is received and connection is closed
[LC-814] - Console uses mixed content links in page footer
[LC-815] - Upgrade AngularJS to version 1.7.9 to mitigate security vulnerabilities
[LC-837] - Response length is incorrect when response is not chunked encoded and no Content-Length header is returned
[LC-840] - HTTP authentication pre-auth does not work on non-secure (HTTP) connection

New Features

[LC-794] - Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2.t
[LC-816] - Allow selection of diagnostic log content using diagnostic log configuration. See Diagnostic Log Configuration
[LC-824] - Add isSet schema property to indicate presence of optional elements. See Working with Optional Elements
[LC-833] - Add hideIfEmpty schema property to omit serialization of empty elements. See Working with Optional Elements

1.0.4 - 05 MAR 2019

Problems Corrected

[LC-463] - API import accepts any valid JSON file
[LC-468] - Application-supplied Authorization header overwritten when --http-credentials specified
[LC-527] - CLIENT returns parser error for BLOB response.
[LC-532] - CUTILITY -cf report internal errors 9 when there is no whitespace between file name and dammit (!)
[LC-535] - API editor delete method no longer works in Firefox
[LC-542] - Slashes appended to base-url result in multiple slashes on the URI.
[LC-547] - AWS signature is invalid when header, query param, or URI contain embedded spaces.
[LC-554] - Console may log out due to inactivity while using the API editor for a long period without saving.
[LC-558] - ISO8601:full-date support is not available in 1.0.x CLIENT
[LC-565] - LWCCOM create credentials only works when user is prompted for credentials
[LC-579] - DDL generator creates invalid DDL name when the original name contains digits and is longer than 26 characters
[LC-580] - Authorization header is not masked in the diagnostic log
[LC-588] - Swagger import may generate incorrect lengths for path elements/params/headers
[LC-606] - Diagnostic log sensitive data masking warning is not consistently displayed
[LC-608] - Reply buffer reserved area is not null filled.
[LC-609] - Command line error reported when argument contains double dash
[LC-610] - API editor path dialog hangs browser when certain URIs with path components are entered
[LC-613] - Command line consisting only of a comma is reported as command abbreviation
[LC-614] - Diagnostic log delete buttons are enabled when there are no logs
[LC-612] - Diagnostic log is not written when the request is cancelled

New Features

[LC-615] - Console returns X-Content-Type-Options, X-Frame-Options, X-XSS-Protection, Strict-Transport-Security security headers.
[LC-628] - Add options to disable TLS 1.0 & 1.1

1.0.3 - 05 OCT 2018

Problems Corrected

[LC-509] - Proxy-Authorization header is sent unnecessarily when http-credentials with pre-auth option is used
[LC-513] - Measure counters are inaccurate when CLIENT is processing multiple concurrent requests
[LC-517] - Request cancellation may cause other outstanding requests to fail with socket errors.

New Features

[LC-411] - Add support for international character set encoding.
[LC-450] - Add support for sensitive data masking.
[LC-493] - Allow specification of extents for BLOB files
[LC-511] - Updated CAROOT
[LW-748] - Add LWCCOM CLI utility

1.0.2 - 11 APR 2018

Problems Corrected

[LC-280] - CUTILITY abend on --set-password when userid / password not provided
[LC-382] - CLIENT generates invalid AWS signature when AccessKeyId not supplied
[LC-386] - CLIENT returns JSON parser error when content-type header indicates JSON content but the response body is empty
[LC-387] - CLIENT serializes type "longlong" as a string
[LC-389] - Cannot view log files via Console if log files moved from original location
[LC-391] - CLIENT abends when field overflow occurs on reply header.
[LC-395] - CUTILITY --set-password gives "internal error" when supplied username does not exist
[LC-396] - CUTILITY --set-password accepts; ignores certain characters in passwords
[LC-399] - CLIENT reports SSL shutdown that occurs during request as a request timeout
[LC-443] - Debug log shows SSL errors when used with IE 11.
[LC-446] - dependsOn field that is an element of an array item is only set on the first element of the array
[LC-447] - Console times out unexpectedly
[LC-470] - CLIENT shuts down connection when http proxy responds to tunnel request with Connection: close header.
[LC-471] - CLIENT option --cert-no-verify is not working

New Features

[LC-473] - Add custom measure counters. 
[LC-484] - Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2o

1.0.1 - 14 NOV 2017

Problems Corrected

[LC-286] - Response header list can be truncated if the headers arrive in more than one TCP/IP recv buffer
[LC-306] - stringPadding set at the API level is not honored
[LC-308] - DDL generator emits incorrect PIC for numeric sign leading/trailing fields
[LC-309] - API Editor: Add schema dialog close throws js exception
[LC-311] - DDL generator may emit DDL with incorrect dependency order
[LC-314] - DDL generator emits incorrect DDL for timestamp type.
[LC-315] - DDL generator may emit DDL with duplicate object names
[LC-319] - API export creates an invalid output edit file if lines in the API definition exceed 239 characters.
[LC-322] - Host names that begin with a digit are not resolved correctly.
[LC-323] - HTTPS connections hang when a connection failure occurs
[LC-324] - Float/double mapping not working
[LC-331] - API Editor: schema editor does not allow types "unsignedLonglong", "numericSignTrailing", et al
[LC-335] - The "size" property for integer types declared in schema is ignored. The default size for the type is used.
[LC-337] - Last character of reply error message is truncated on response not defined error (code 12).
[LC-338] - API import from Swagger does not handle responses typed with $ref
[LC-340] - Strings are transferred to/from the message payload in UTF-8
[LC-341] - API Editor: allows response mapping with missing source
[LC-343] - Request timeout occurs when service returns HTTP status 204 (no content).
[LC-344] - CLIENT process shutdown is slow when socket connections are cached.
[LC-350] - Export DDL crashes when API path or schema is 'too long'
[LC-354] - JSON by example converts a value of 'null' to 'boolean', s/b "string"
[LC-356] - Diagnostic log deserialization time is invalid when a deserialization error occurs.
[LC-377] - sizeIs not working for types base64 and hexBinary
[LC-316] - API Editor: correct schema generation for date/time elements
[LC-359] - Diagnostic log config is logged as empty when all diag-log config options are commented

New Features

[LC-276] - Implement HTTP proxy support
[LC-317] - Add support for ISO8601 full-date
[LC-339] - Add support for cloud service signatures (AWS, Azure)
[LC-228] - Add API and DDL export functions to CUTILITY
[LC-271] - Add a sample startup file for server and console
[LC-330] - Allow API string padding to be set using CLIENT startup option
[LC-342] - API Editor: Allow path spec to be only forward slash.
[LC-351] - Add API filename to diagnostic log output
[LC-355] - API Editor: expand initial response to show data mapping; do not add (incomplete) mapping entry by default

1.0.0 - 15 JUN 2017

This is the first GA release of LightWave Client.

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