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Create DDL Source

Once an API is created you can create DDL definitions for the IPMs used to communicate with the CLIENT process.

To create DDL using the Console:

  1. Select "APIs" from the console menu.
  2. Select the desired API.
  3. Click the
     icon to export the DDL.
  4. Select whether you want to save the DDL to a local file or a Enscribe file. If Enscribe file is selected, supply the file name.
  5. Click Save. The DDL source will be downloaded to your desktop or saved to the Enscribe file system.

To create DDL from the TACL command line using LWCCOM:

An API may be exported from the filesystem to DDL using the LWCCOM utility. The syntax of the export command is:


Exports an API from the fileystem into a file

  EXPORT API <api-name>
         , FILE <file-name> [ ! ]
         [ , FORMAT { NATIVE | DDL } ]


  The name of the API.

FILE <file-name> [ ! ]

  File to receive exported API definition.


  Export format: native API or DDL source. If omitted, NATIVE is assumed.

For example, to export API the-api to DDL file theddl, use the command:

tacl> run LWCCOM export api the-api, file theddl !, format ddl

The DDL creation process may change the names of some elements under certain conditions. The names will be changed in the following cases:

  • Web Service element names that are too long
    DDL object names are limited to 30 characters. If while converting a Web service element name to a DDL name, the resulting name is longer than 26 characters, the name will be truncated.
  • Web service element name is a host language reserved word
    If while converting a Web service element name to a DDL object name, the resulting name is the same as a host language reserved word, a '-rw' extension is appended to the name.
  • A child element has the same name as the parent element
    If a child element of a web service type has the same name as the type itself, the child element name is altered by appending a 'Z' character to the name

You may control the DDL name of an element by using the ddlName annotation on the element definition. See Working with APIs.

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