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Updating LightWave Client

The process for updating LightWave Client from an earlier release to a later release is similar to the initial installation process. These instructions apply to 'full product' update releases. If you have received a hotfix patch release, refer to the specific instructions included with the release.

Before proceeding with the update process refer to the Release Notes for important information about the current release of the software.

The software is delivered in a single PAK archive containing the following files:

  • CONSOLE- The LightWave Client Console process
  • CLIENT - The LightWave Client CLIENT process
  • LWCCOM - The LightWave Client Management CLI
  • ICUDATA - Character set translation data.
  • CCPnnnnn - The console installation package (where nnnnn is a version number)
  • CAROOT - A bundle of root certificate authority certificates
  • RWORDS - A list of C and COBOL reserved words that are installed for use by the DDL generator
  • ZLOGOPTS - Sample logging options file
  • ZSTARTPW - Sample CLIENT process Pathway configuration startup macro
  • ZSTARTUP - Sample CONSOLE process startup macro
  • CUTILITY - The LightWave Client Utility process

CUTILITY has been deprecated and will no longer be updated. LWCCOM has replaced CUTILITY as the LightWave Client management CLI.

Overview of Update Installation

 The process is performed from a TACL prompt. These are the steps:

Verify Your Product License

Product updates are available only to customers with a Support Agreement. Your product license file contains the expiration date of your Support Agreement. Each time you renew your Support Agreement, we issue you an updated license containing the new expiration date. View the contents of your product license file to ensure that your support expiration date is later than the release date of the product update you wish to install. See Product Licensing for information about the location of your product license. Contact Product Support if you have any question about your eligibility for installing updates. Regardless of your Support Agreement status, you will be able to download and install the update. However, the product will not run if your license support expiration date is earlier than the release date of the product version you are installing.

Download the Release Package

The software is distributed as a single PAK archive file. The software may be downloaded from our Software Download Center. Transfer the PAK file to your NonStop system using binary transfer mode.

Shutdown Any Existing Processes

Ensure that there are no active users of applications which depend on LightWave Client. From the existing LightWave Client installation subvolume, use the FILEINFO command to ensure that no files are open.  Stop any processes that have files opened. From the LightWave Client installation subvolume:

> status *, prog CLIENT, stop
> status *, prog CONSOLE, stop

Perform a Backup of the Existing Installation

Verify that you have a current backup of the existing installation, including the LightWave Client filesystem (FC0* files). In the unlikely event of an unsuccessful update, you will need to restore the installation from this backup. You can use BACKUP, or use the PAK utility to perform the backup if you like. If you created the filesystem in a subvolume other than the installation subvolume, be sure to backup both subvolumes.

> PAK <pakfile>, (*), audited, listall

where <pakfile> is the name of the backup PAK archive file to be created, which should be in a separate subvolume. 

Install the Update Package

We recommend that you install the update in the same subvolume as the existing installation in order to eliminate confusion over the location of the "current" version. However, it is possible (i.e. supported), to install the update into a new subvolume and even to run different versions in parallel, but bear in mind that LightWave Client filesystems (FC0* files) cannot be shared between installations.

Verify that you have the necessary permissions to overwrite the exiting files. Unpak the release package PAK archive file, overlaying the originally installed files.

> UNPAK <pakfile> ($*.*.*), vol <installation-subvolume>, myid, listall

where <pakfile> is the name of the release package PAK archive file you transferred earlier.

Upgrade the Filesystem

The LightWave Client filesystem contains information necessary to support the LightWave Client Console application, including API definitions you have created and the Console web application itself. The filesystem must be upgraded to incorporate any structural or content modifications included in the new release. The filesystem is updated using the LWCCOM utility, which is run as follows:

> run LWCCOM control filesystem <filesystem-subvolume>, upgrade

where <filesystem-subvolume> is the name of the subvolume that contains the LightWave Client filesystem (FC0* files).

Optionally Install the Updated Console Package

If the filesystem has an existing Console installation, then the console package file included with the new release must be installed. Install the console package as follows:

> run LWCCOM control filesystem <filesystem-subvolume>, installcon <console-package-file>

where <filesystem-subvolume> is the name of a subvolume containing an existing LightWave Client filesystem. The <console-package-file> parameter specifies the console package file included with the release in the form CCPnnnnn.

Restart Processes

Restart the LightWave Client components (CONSOLE, CLIENT) as per your locally-developed procedures.

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