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Using MEASURE Counters

LightWave Server supports several 'user defined' MEASURE counters which you can use to help analyze performance of your LightWave Server application. The available MEASURE counter names and types are shown below:

Counter NameTypeDescription
lw-connectqbusyThe amount of time spent processing an inbound connection.
lw-conn-ssl-hsqbusyThe amount of time spent processing the SSL/TLS handshake for a connection.
lw-requestqbusyThe amount of time spent receiving the request from the client over the network.
lw-deserializeqbusyThe amount of time spent deserializing the request payload into the server request IPM.
lw-pathsend-ioqbusyThe amount of time spent sending the request and receiving the reply from a Pathway server.
lw-process-ioqbusyThe amount of time spent sending the request and receiving the reply from a process server.
lw-serializeqbusyThe amount of time spent serializing the reply IPM into the response payload.
lw-requestqbusyThe amount of time spent sending the response to the client over the network
lw-diag-logqbusyThe amount of time spent generating the diagnostic log.
lw-msg-logqbusyThe amount of time spent filtering and delivering the message logging events.

The total number of requests processed

lw-ssl-hsaccumThe total number of SSL/TLS handshakes
lw-recv-bytesaccumThe total number of bytes received over the network
lw-send-bytesaccumThe total number of bytes received over the network
lw-sock-recvsaccumThe total number of TCP/IP socket recv operations processed
lw-sock-sendsaccumThe total number of TCP/IP socket send operations processed
lw-sock-connectsaccumThe total number of TCP/IP connection requests processed.
lw-sock-acceptsaccumThe total number of TCP/IP accept operations processed.
lw-deleg-failsaccumThe total number of SERVER to SWORKER requests delegations that have failed. This may indicate that the SWORKERs are over capacity.
lw-pathsend-iosaccumThe total number of Pathsend I/Os processed.
lw-process-iosaccumThe total number of process server I/Os processed.
lw-pathsend-maxsnapshotThe maximum number of concurrent Pathsend I/O operations
lw-process-maxsnapshotThe maximum number of concurrent process server I/O operations.

> VOLUME <lwc-installation-subvolume>

+ add processh server

+ add userdef server
+ add counter lw-connect        , process server, qbusy
+ add counter lw-conn-ssl-hs    , process server, qbusy
+ add counter lw-request        , process server, qbusy
+ add counter lw-deserialize    , process server, qbusy
+ add counter lw-pathsend-io    , process server, qbusy
+ add counter lw-process-io     , process server, qbusy
+ add counter lw-serialize      , process server, qbusy
+ add counter lw-response       , process server, qbusy
+ add counter lw-diag-log       , process server, qbusy
+ add counter lw-msg-log        , process server, qbusy
+ add counter lw-requests       , process server, accum
+ add counter lw-ssl-hs         , process server, accum
+ add counter lw-recv-bytes     , process server, accum
+ add counter lw-send-bytes     , process server, accum
+ add counter lw-sock-recvs     , process server, accum
+ add counter lw-sock-sends     , process server, accum
+ add counter lw-sock-connects  , process server, accum
+ add counter lw-sock-accepts   , process server, accum
+ add counter lw-deleg-fails    , process server, accum
+ add counter lw-pathsend-ios   , process server, accum
+ add counter lw-process-ios    , process server, accum
+ add counter lw-pathsend-max   , process server, snapshot
+ add counter lw-process-max    , process server, snapshot

+ start measurement LWSMEAS

== run your application

+ stop measurement LWSMEAS

+ list userdef *, rate off

These MEASURE counters may differ from values recorded in diagnostic logs. The diagnostic log measures elapsed time whereas the MEASURE counters represent actual work time.
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