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SWORKER is the LightWave Server Worker process. When a client creates a TCP/IP connection to a LightWave Server service port, the SERVER process delegates the connection and all future processing of that connection to the SWORKER process having the least number of active connections.

Starting a Worker Process

A worker process is started by running the SWORKER program from TACL. Multiple worker processes can be attached to the same SERVER process. 

tacl > run SWORKER / run-options / command-line-options

You should be logged-on as a user with sufficient privileges to access the system resources that the process requires.


The standard TACL run options. The CPU option is recommended in order to load-balance across multiple cpus. The NOWAIT options is recommended. The TERM options is also recommended if started from a dynamic terminal device. The IN and OUT options are ignored.



Reads command line options from <command-file>. Options specified on the command line override any duplicates specified in the file. At most, one '@' option may used. The file itself cannot contain an '@' option (i.e., no nesting).

--server <process-name>

Specifies the name of the SERVER process that will delegate connections to this worker. This option is required. The SERVER process must be running on the same node as the SWORKER process.


SWORKER uses the same logging options as the SERVER it is associated with.


Start the SERVER process as a process pair in CPU 0 and 1 with SWORKER processes in CPU 2 and 3. 

tacl> run server / name $LWS, nowait, cpu 0 / --backupcpu 1 &
--console-ports $ztc0:8080 $ &
--service-ports $ztc0:9080 $ &
--log $zhome info
tacl> run sworker / name, nowait, cpu 2 / --server $LWS
tacl> run sworker / name, nowait, cpu 3 / --server $LWS
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