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1.0 Releases

1.0.11 - 27 Mar 2021

Problems Corrected

[LS-859] - LWSCOM INFO API command may report incorrect number of APIs
[LS-879] - Chunked encoded request returns HTTP 400 status when the chunk & chunk trailer are not received in the same socket recv buffer
[LS-898] - LWSCOM pagesize command may report valid input as invalid
[LS-905] - Process logger may leak memory when debug logging is enabled
[LS-912] - Setting isSet="1" does not work for JSON object serialization when the object is empty
[LS-914] - API tester no longer works in Chromium 87+ based browsers
[LS-917] - API Tester will not launch in IE11

1.0.10 - 27 Aug 2020

Problems Corrected

[LS-437] - Add Intermediate Certificate silently ignores bad PEM input
[LS-571] - LWSCOM prints incomplete error message when attempting to export the test service
[LS-649] - Dictionary import fails when LightWaveAttribute is invalid.
[LS-679] - Swagger download returns internal server error if the dictionary associated with an API is not installed.
[LS-751] - SERVER does not detect when filesystem is not TMF audited, resulting in unpredictable behavior
[LS-753] - HTTP log file name sequence does not roll over when date changes
[LS-757] - HTTP log version & date directives have incorrect values
[LS-758] - Console HTTP log time ranges should be in GMT to match the log timezone
[LS-790] - Fix typo in LWSCOM HTTPLOG help text
[LS-798] - A structure element in an array of structures is not serialized if the element is hidden in a previous structure in the array
[LS-805] - Diagnostic log is corrupted if line break occurs at multi-byte character
[LS-808] - HSTS header may be sent intermittently
[LS-816] - Auto begin transaction is suspended instead of aborted when request results in I/O or undefined reply error
[LS-842] - unsigned long long values > 9223372036854775807 are not de/serialized correctly

New Features

[LS-807] - Implement XSRF protection in the Console

1.0.9 - 04 MAR 2020

Problems Corrected

[LS-617] - Dictionary import sets arbitrary limit of 100 objects
[LS-259] - Documentation is missing one or more command line option descriptions
[LS-620] - Dictionary refresh no longer pre-selects existing DDL objects for refresh
[LS-631] - Certificate installation dialogs with textarea fields have no Cancel / Install buttons
[LS-650] - API tester host:port should default to port with the same scheme as the browser
[LS-671] - SERVER/SWORKER abends when operation process name is mapped from a parameter and the parameter is not supplied with the request
[LS-684] - LWSCOM may exit with error -3: Process called STOP or ABEND with erroneous arguments
[LS-686] - Filesystem deadlock may occur during service redeploy
[LS-693] - API editor does not refresh when a new version of an API is uploaded
[LS-694] - LWSCOM: service name is not printed when import specifies * for name
[LS-697] - Certificate import with duplicate CN does not replace existing certificate
[LS-698] - LWSCOM import cert does not replace existing cert with same common name
[LS-710] - Transaction and dialog APIs are not longer accessible from the Console
[LS-717] - Organization field missing in generated CSR
[LS-727] - Upgrade AngularJS to version 1.7.9 to mitigate security vulnerabilities
[LS-728] - Console uses mixed content links in footer
[LS-733] - --http-keepalive-timeout & --http-keepalive-max startup options are not processed correctly

New Features

[LS-712] - Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2t
[LS-695] - Add option to disable digest authentication
[LS-731] - Allow selection of diagnostic log content
[LS-732] - Add isSet schema attribute to indicate presence of optional fields. See Working with Optional Elements.
[LS-736] - Allow substitution variables to be supplied as constant values. See Working with User Defined APIs.
[LS-749] - Add hideIfEmpty schema attribute to omit serialization of empty elements. See Working with Optional Elements.

1.0.8 - 05 MAR 2019

Problems Corrected

[LS-438] - Swagger generator does not follow CORS policy of associated service's access control policy
[LS-466] - Diagnostic log view hangs when log contains invalid content
[LS-483] - Swagger generator leaks memory
[LS-552] - Service installation silently fails when the filesystem is full.
[LS-563] - SERVER/SWORKER can hang when processing a chunked transfer with very large chunk size
[LS-566] - Console may log out due to inactivity while using the API editor for a long period without saving
[LS-567] - API I/O options does not allow 5 character process names when qualified with node name
[LS-569] - Swagger download returns invalid ETAG
[LS-576] - Authorization header is not masked in the diagnostic log
[LS-578] - Diagnostic log settings shows logging enabled with 0 minutes remaining
[LS-579] - Diagnostic log delete buttons are enabled when there are no logs
[LS-581] - Command line consisting only of a comma is reported as command abbreviation
[LS-577] - Sensitive data masking diagnostic log warning is not displayed consistently

New Features

[LS-586] - Add options to disable TLS v1.0 & v1.1
[LS-587] - Console returns X-Content-Type-Options, X-Frame-Options, X-XSS-Protection, Strict-Transport-Security security headers.

1.0.7 - 05 OCT 2018

Problems Corrected

[LS-453] - On deserialization, actual array count overrides count specified in dependsOn element.
[LS-457] - HTTP and/or Diagnostic logs can become corrupted with many SWORKERS under high volume
[LS-461] - Connection delegation to SWORKER can fail under high load
[LS-468] - SERVER/SWORKER memory leaks
[LS-469] - Deadlock occurs when SWORKER tries to refresh APIs while SERVER is redeploying.
[LS-475] - SERVER/SWORKER abends if logging is enabled but no services are selected.
[LS-479] - Memory performance tuning
[LS-489] - LWSCOM "delete diaglog' with wildcard does not work as documented.
[LS-490] - LWSCOM "control diaglog" command inconsistent with Console UI.
[LS-493] - LWSCOM exported diagnostic logs are written with incorrect line terminator
[LS-493] - EXPORTed diagnostic logs are written with incorrect line terminator
[LS-499] - Filesystem race condition may corrupt http/diagnostic log settings
[LS-500] - SERVER/SWORKER abends when digest auth header is sent with no qop parameter
[LS-503] - HTTP log time-taken fields is reported in microseconds, should be milliseconds.

New Features

[LS-339] - Add support for international character set encoding.
[LS-369] - Add support for sensitive data masking.
[LS-477] - Add custom Measure counters to SERVER/SWORKER
[LS-479] - Memory and performance tuning
[LS-502] - Disable all logging when filesystem exceeds 90% full.
[LW-748] - Add LWSCOM CLI utility

1.0.6 - 11 APR 2017

Problems Corrected

[LS-277] - passing alpha value as URI parameter mapped to integer field causes abend
[LS-322] - SERVER/SWORKER abend on when deserialization error occurs on param or header field.
[LS-329] - SERVER process may abend when initializing a field from the value property and the value is invalid for the type.
[LS-392] - Intermittent SERVER abend on shutdown
[LS-396] - Import Dictionary imports arbitrary xml files; does not allow deletion
[LS-406] - API Editor cannot map a field that contains '-'
[LS-408] - Array dependsOn field is not processed correctly when it references a field that is not an element of the array's parent structure
[LS-409] - Diagnostic log HTTP response shows request data when the response content type is octet/stream
[LS-410] - Console times out unexpectedly
[LS-414] - Swagger generation emits "integer" when source DDL is PIC 99V99.
[LS-434] - Errors for reply message reply code and HTTP status don't appear in IE 11.
[LS-442] - SERVER abends when malformed console/service-ports option is specified (TNS/E)
[LS-444] - 501 NOT IMPLEMENTED is returned for 'method not available' on existing path, should be 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED

New Features

[LS-447] - Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2o

1.0.5 - 14 NOV 2017

Problems Corrected

[LS-176] - Swagger link always points to test service interface
[LS-298] - Diagnostic shows the request body as empty if the request body cannot be parsed.
[LS-299] - Digest authentication fails if the user name is mixed case.
[LS-300] - stringPadding set at the API level is not honored
[LS-304] - Type object transfers strings to/from the message payload in UTF-8
[LS-311] - Deleted users & groups are not removed from access control policies
[LS-315] - Native API modules are registered and active even when --enable-native-apis option is not specified
[LC-324] - Float/double mapping not working
[LC-340] - Strings are transferred to/from the message payload in UTF-8
[LC-377] - sizeIs not working for types base64 and hexBinary
[LS-317] - Swagger generation emits all property types as "string"
[LS-318] Dictionary refresh button is enabled for dictionaries that are not imported from DDL

New Features


1.0.4 - 11 AUG 2017

Problems Corrected

[LS-152] - SERVER/SWORKER: CPU # in startup message is always 0.
[LS-158] - Console: Server certificate renewal completion toast shows shows "certificate deleted" instead of "CSR created".
[LS-159] - Console: unable to create user when name contains '-'.
[LS-163] - Memory leak in SWORKER process
[LS-186] - API store does not update the modification time when an API is saved
[LS-195] - API Editor: Editor shows warning icon for operation but reason for warning is nowhere to be found.
[LS-207] - Add API button doesn't work in FireFox
[LS-213] - API Editor: creating operation path throws invalid regex error.
[LS-214] - SERVER reports filesystem in use error if file FS02 is missing.
[LS-219] - Definitions containing certain types (e.g. SQL DATETIME) are not handled gracefully.
[LS-220] - Dictionary import erroneously assumes all fields named FILLER are character fields
[LS-221] - Nested Arrays with dependsOn are not serialized correctly
[LS-237] - http-keepalive-timeout and http-keepalive-max defaults are not handled correctly for console connections.
[LS-240] - Server stops listening on TCPIP port if the TCP/IP process restarts.
[LS-246] - Port file system error message is incorrectly formatted.
[LS-251] - SWORKER ignores --max-tx-timeout and --default-tx-timeout options.
[LS-252] - SERVER process shutdown behavior is inconsistent
[LS-262] - SUTILITY --set-password abends if password omitted
[LS-265] - SWORKER silently exits if --server not given a process name, or process name is not SERVER
[LS-268] - API tester: request and reply tabs are overlayed
[LS-269] - Fields following DDL REDEFINES are deserialized at the wrong offset.
[LS-271] - Serializer abends when first field is filled with padding character
[LS-280] - Creation of large diagnostic log silently fails.
[LS-286] - API Editor: Message Field selector returns incorrect field name when an array is selected.
[LS-292] - Certificate install fails when CSR common name and certificate common name don't match.
[LS-293] - Decimal values are serialized in scientific notation when the integer part of the value is 0.
[LS-241] - Dictionary importer generates filler elements without hide attribute.

New Features

[LS-155] - Add support for 2MB interprocess I/O.
[LS-231] - Support ISO-8601 to 64-bit timestamp de/serialization
[LS-238] - Automatically restart abended SWORKER processes
[LS-247] - Allow masking of sensitive data.
[LS-253] - Add support for --license command line option
[LS-273] - Add string padding indicator to binary message display in dictionary view
[LS-276] - Add IPM compression to diagnostic dumps.
[LS-289] - Add startup options to log.
[LS-229] - Add SSL session info to diagnostic log
[LS-244] - Add request processing time to diagnostic logs
[LS-218] - Allow filtering of DDL definitions at import; limit to import count
[LS-250] - Add a sample startup file for server
[LS-275] - Change default license file name to LICLWS.

1.0.3 - 03 NOV 2016

Problems Corrected

[LW-698] - Process abends if socket error occurs during accept phase.

New Features


1.0.2 - 28 OCT 2016

Problems Corrected

[LW-697] - SERVER/SWORKER process abends during shutdown
[LS-145] - Console: API method detail shows 'pattern attribute value: invalid escape'.
[LS-146] - Console: API 'user documentation' for API with no methods fails
[LS-149] - SERVER/SWORKER leaks memory on each request.
[LS-150] - Connections delegated to SWORKER may hang after first HTTPS connection

New Features


1.0.1 - 10 OCT 2016

This is the first GA release of LightWave Server.

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