Character String Padding
The stringPadding attribute controls the way elements of type "string" are treated when LightWave Server converts request input JSON string values to server interprocess request messages ("deserialization") and server reply interprocess messages to JSON response string values ("serialization"). A stringPadding value of "zeros" causes the string to be padded with zeros to the maximum field length (aka "null-terminated") in server request messages and expected to be zero-terminated (not necessarily padded) in the server reply message. A stringPadding value of "spaces" causes the string to be padded with spaces in the server request and expected to be padded with spaces in the server reply. It is usually easier to specify the stringPadding setting on the containing <type> than on every string element. However, it may be useful to set stringPadding on a small number of elements to override the default for the entire <type> which applies to the remainder of the elements.