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Configuring Listeners

Listeners define which TCP/IP ports the gateway will listen on, and defines the properties of those ports such as whether the port supports TLS and HTTP2, etc. HTTP requests enter the gateway through Listeners. To access the Listeners list, select Listeners from the Menu.

To create a Listener, select the Add action icon from the Listeners list. To edit an existing Listener, select it from the List.

Listener Properties

NameThe name of the Listener. Names must begin with a letter, end with a letter or digit, be 64 characters or less in length, and contain only letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, or periods.
DescriptionA brief description of the Listener.
PortA port number in the valid TCP/IP port range
TCP/IP ProcessThe NonStop TCP/IP port to use. The default process uses is that defined by the =TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME.
Bind AddressThe local TCP/IP address to bind to for TCP/IP connection. This option may be used to specify the IP address from which connections will originate, when a TCPIP provider is configured with multiple IP addresses. The default is

When selected, the port will use the TLS protocol selected.

When TLS is selected, at Certificate must be configured.

TLS optionsSelect the TLS version that the Listener will support. At least on option must be selected
Server CertificateThe Server Certtificate that the Listener will use for TLS connections.
Use HTTP/2When selected HTTP/2 protocol will be used. If Use TLS is disabled, this option will also be disabled.
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