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Configuring Services

Services define upstream web services service providers. HTTP requests exit the gateway to through Services, either directly, or through a logical Load Balancer. To access the Services list, select Services from the Menu.

To create a Service, select the Add action icon from the Services list. To edit an existing Service, select it from the List.

Service Properties

To configure a Service to connect via a Load Balancer, the Load Balancer must have been previously configured. See Configuring Load Balancers.

NameThe name of the Service. Names must begin with a letter, end with a letter or digit, be 64 characters or less in length, and contain only letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, or periods.
DescriptionA brief description of the Service.
Connect ViaSelect Direct Connection to indicate that requests should leave the gateway directly to the service endpoint. Select Load Balancer route the request through a previously configured Load Balancer.
ProtocolFor a direct connection, the protocol to use to connect the the web service provider
HostFor a direct connection, the host name to use to connect the the web service provider.
PortFor a direct connection, the port to use to connect the the web service provider. If omitted, the default port for HTTP or HTTPS is used.
Load BalancerFor a Load Balancer connection, the name of the Load Balancer to use
PathA value URI path that will be prepended to the request when forwarded to the backend service. For example, if the request is GET /a/b, and path is /c, then the request will be sent as GET /c/a/b.
Connect TimeoutThe connection timeout for the connection to the upstream server. The timeout is specified in milliseconds.
Send TimeoutThe send for the connection to the upstream server. The timeout is specified in milliseconds.
Receive TimeoutThe receive timeout for the connection to the upstream server. The timeout is specified in milliseconds.
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