Cumulative Change Log
1.0.2-beta.3 - 21 May 2023
Problems Corrected
- A trailing forward slash is added to the request URI, when the service has a path prefix and the route has path strip enabled.
- Add DoS alert feature
- Gateway now returns error 429 when rate limits are exceeded. Previously, the gateway would delay/buffer requests.
1.0.1 - 29 Sep 2022
Problems Corrected
- Disabling a route in the console does not disable it in the deployed configuration
- Route list does not refresh when a new route is added
- Intermittent PRIZMON abend when gateway redeploys
- Plugin list refresh does not work
- Add (disabled) to path name in path list with the Route is disabled.
- Add host name to load balancer to support endpoint SNI
1.0.0 - 30 June 2022
This is the first GA release of Prizm Gateway™.