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Configuring S3Utils

In order to use S3Utils, settings for accessing the S3 compatible object store must be configured. S3Utils configuration closely matches that of AWS CLI configuration. Information on AWS CLI configuration can be found here:

Configure the AWS CLI

The configuration information consists of the following:

  • Credentials - identify which user is access the S3 object store. Credentials are created by the S3 service provider and provided to the S3 service user.

  • Other settings - Any other settings required to complete the request. Some settings have default values if not provided, other have no effect if not provided.

Configuration and Credentials Preference

Credentials and settings may be supplied by multiple methods. Some methods take precedence over others. The settings take precedence in the following order, with 1 being the highest.

  1. Command line options - Options supplied with the S3COM command such as REGION, or PROFILE. Or startup options for the S3SERV process.

  2. Environment variables - Settings supplied via Guardian PARAMs or DEFINEs

  3. Credentials file - The file AWSCRED. This file is search for in the following location, in this order:

    • The location specified by the AWS^SHARED^CREDENTIALS^FILE param.

    • The subvol specified by the =_DEFAULTS define.

    • The subvol of the running S3Utils program files.

  4. Configuration file - The file AWSCONF. This file is search for in the following location, in this order:

    • The location specified by the AWS^CONFIG_FILE param.

    • The subvol specified by the =_DEFAULTS define.

    • The subvol of the running S3Utils program files.

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