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Installing S3Utils

These instructions apply to new installations. Note that you may install the product more than once (in separate subvolumes) on the same NonStop system if you wish.

Before proceeding with the installation process refer to the Release Notes for important information about the current release of the software, particularly the Installation Prerequisites.

The software is delivered in a single PAK archive containing the following files:

  • S3COM - The S3Utils CLI program.

  • S3SERV - The S3Utils server program.

  • S3SRVDDL - DDL definitions for use with S3SERV.

  • S3SRVCOB - COBOL definitions for use with S3SERV.

  • S3SRVH - C language definitions for user with S3SERV.

  • ZSTARTPW - Sample CLIENT process Pathway configuration startup macro

 The process is performed from a TACL prompt. These are the steps:

Obtain a Product License

A license is required to run S3Utils. If this is the first time you are installing the product on your NonStop system, you may obtain a free 30-day trial license at the Trial License Center. Otherwise, a license will be provided to you upon purchase of the product. Do not request a trial license until you are ready to begin using the product, as the 30-day timer starts on the day the license is issued. Note that you may install S3Utils without a license, however the product will not function until a valid license is installed.

Download the Release Package

The software is distributed as a single PAK archive file. The software may be downloaded from our Software Download Center. Transfer the PAK file to your NonStop system using binary transfer mode.

Install the Release Package

Unpak the release package PAK archive file into an empty subvolume.

> UNPAK <pakfile> ($*.*.*), vol <installation-subvolume>, myid, listall

where <pakfile> is the name of the release package PAK archive file you transferred earlier.

Install the Product License

Transfer the license file you received by email to your NonStop system using text or 'ascii' file transfer mode. The license must be stored in an 'edit' file in one of the following locations:

  • the file LICENSE in the S3Utils installation subvolume

  • the file LICS3UTL in the S3Utils installation subvolume


The S3Utils programs validate the license at startup and periodically while running. Any license errors will be written to the event log or the TACL command line. Note that if the license file content is altered in any way, the license will become invalid. For more information see Product Licensing.

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