Log Configuration
Dynamic logging configuration is activated using the --log startup option and specifying the log configuration file location. Note that the file name specification is preceded by a '+' character.
Configuration Reference
The log configuration must be preceded by a [log] header
Option | Descriptione |
file | The name of the log file. If not fully qualified then the value of the _DEFAULTS define is used to complete the file name. |
level | The level value may be "error", "warning", "info", or "debug" and controls the type of information that is output to the log destination. The "error" level produces the least output while the "trace" level produces the most output. The default value is "info". |
format | The format value may be "text" indicating that the log events should be output as text strings or "event" indicating that the log events should be output in EMS event format.. If not specified the default value is "text". |