Cumulative Change Log
The cumulative change log for version 3.x releases is shown below.
Version 3.1.14 - 27 Sep 2023
Problems Corrected
- Update OpenSSL to version 3.1.2 to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
- Update libxml2 to version 2.10.4 to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
Version 3.1.12 - 27 Mar 2022
Problems Corrected
- Update OpenSSL to version 1.1.1t to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
- Update Apache APR to version 1.7.2 to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
- Update Apache APR-UTIL to version 1.6.3 to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
Version 3.1.11 - 21 Mar 2022
- Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1n to mitigate CVE-2022-0778
- Update CAROOT file
Version 3.1.10 - 27 Sep 2021
- Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1l
Version 3.1.9 - 27 Mar 2021
Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1k
Version 3.1.8 - 26 AUG 2020
Problems Corrected
[SOAP-1035] - SOAPAMCP request may timeout if connection via SSL proxy is reused but has been disconnected by proxy
[SOAP-1068] - SOAPAMCP does excessive heartbeat processing due to incorrect heartbeat timer calculation
New Features
[SOAP-1017] - Add startup options to disable individual TLS protocols
[SOAP-1018] - Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1 with TLS 1.3 support
[SOAP-1057] - SOAPAMCP now logs license expiration warning daily instead of only at startup
Version 3.1.7 - 26 FEB 2020
Problems Corrected
[SOAP-1010] - SOAP responses use prefixes (qualified namespaces) where previous versions used default namespace
[SOAP-1014] - SOAPAMCP may report incorrect SSL errors
[SOAP-1038] - WSDL2CDF abends when structure is extremely large
New Features
[SOAP-1024] - Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2t
Version 3.1.6 - 25FEB2019
Problems Corrected
[SOAP-980] - SOAPAMCP may report error 46 when messagedump edit file is full instead of performing the on-file-full action
[SOAP-990] - SOAPAMCP shows WSDL2CDF banner when using the -doc option
[SOAP-991] - WSDL2CDF abends when processing a self referencing complexType
[SOAP-995] - WSDL2CDF exits with an unclear error message if the service element is not present in the WSDL
[SOAP-997] - SOAPAMCP request times out while processing chunked encoded response if chunk trailer arrives in new TCP/IP buffer
[SOAP-1001] - Message dump file is not created when the request is cancelled
New Features
Version 3.1.5 - 28NOV2018
Problems Corrected
[SOAP-982] - Anonymous filler injection behavior for arrays is not compatible with previous releases (introduced in 3.1.4)
[SOAP-985] - Improved handling of nonNegativeInteger WSDL types.
New Features
Version 3.1.4 - 29AUG2018
Problems Corrected
[SOAP-463] - SOAPAMCP: SSL handshake failure is reported as a server disconnect error instead of the appropriate handshake failure error
[SOAP-883] - SOAPAMCP hangs during SSL handshake
[SOAP-947] - Stats reset-interval is not calculated correctly if the interval is greater than 36 minutes
[SOAP-948] - STATS file rollover silently fails if the file specification matches the rollover file name pattern
[SOAP-950] - Global element qualification is not handled correctly when elementFormDefault is unqualified
[SOAP-951] - Stats reset does not flush stored statistics before resetting
[SOAP-953] - Trace level message "Cancel received for msg n" is logged at info level
[SOAP-958] - As a user, I want the ability to disable TLS 1.0, so that I can improve security
[SOAP-965] - WSDL2CDF abends when a WSDL <import /> element does not have a mandatory namespace attribute
[SOAP-969] - Deadlock occurs during STATS file rollover
New Features
[SOAP-952] - Stats interval and reset intervals now accept CRON expressions
[SOAP-956] - Added SNI support to SOAPAMCP
[SOAP-958] - Add startup option to disable TLS v1.0
[SOAP-974] - Update to OpenSSL 1.0.2o
[SOAP-975] - Update CAROOT file
Version 3.1.3 - 11AUG2017
Problems Corrected
[SOAP-895] - WSDL2CDF reports "CDF file was not created" when certain conversion errors occur.
[SOAP-884] - SOAPAMCP doesn't report log open errors when configured as a serverclass with no OUT file.
[SOAP-927] - ICU data file not found if not located in the current subvol (L-series only)
New Features
[SOAP-935] - Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2k
Version 3.1.2 - 26OCT2016
Problems Corrected
[SOAP-900] - SOAPAMCP does not validate server certificates with wildcard host names.
[SOAP-903] - WSDL2CDF imports nonNegativeInteger types as string.
[SOAP-885] - SOAPAMCP drops query string parameters from the request URI.
[SOAP-910] - File system browser shows mobile view in IE 11 on Windows 10
[SOAP-885] - SOAPAMCP drops query string parameters from the request URI.
[SOAP-881] - Add support to SOAPAMCP for multipart responses.
New Features
[SOAP-909] - Update to OpenSSL 1.0.2j
Version 3.1.1 - 20AUG2015
Problems Corrected
New Features
[SOAP-855] - Add support for NonStop X
[SOAP-865] - Update to OpenSSL 1.0.1p
[SOAP-876] - Update CAROOT file.
Version 3.1.0 - 06APR2015
Problems Corrected
[SOAP-718] - MAKECF may loop when CTRL-Y is entered while prompting for credentials.
[SOAP-841] - Client messagedump options are not fully documented.
[SOAP-847] - Stats configuration loader interprets missing [stats] section as invalid configuration file.
New Features
[SOAP-853] - Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.1m.
Version 3.0.5 - 20AUG2015
Problems Corrected
New Features
[SOAP-865] - Update to OpenSSL 1.0.1p
[SOAP-876] - Update CAROOT file.
Version 3.0.4 - 27OCT2014
Problems Corrected
New Features
[SOAP-807] - Update to OpenSSL 1.0.1j
[SOAP-809] - Update CAROOT file.
Version 3.0.3 - 10APR2014
Problems Corrected
[SOAP-719] - Deserialization/serialization errors are not reported properly in SOAP faults.
[SOAP-743] - WSDL2CDF uses an incorrect default value for schema attribute elementFormDefault
[SOAP-747] - WSDL2CDF does not process schema list types.
[SOAP-744] - WSDL2CDF does not report errors in some cases when CDF cannot be created.
[SOAP-758] - SOAPAMCP records internal server error responses (HTTP 500) as a timeout in the statistics log.
New Features
[SOAP-753] - Update TNS/E version to OpenSSL 1.0.1g.
[SOAP-754] - Update CAROOT file
[SOAP-759] - Update TNS/R version to OpenSSL 0.9.8y.
Version 3.0.0 - 31MAY2013
Problems Corrected
New Features
[SOAP-385] - Add support for Pathway large messages.
[SOAP-420] - Update CAROOT file.
[SOAP-451] - Allow element default values to be set from type element "value" attribute.
[SOAP-484] - Include SOAP/AM Web Service client documentation on server documentation page.
[SOAP-560] - Add certificate chain to SOAPAMCP message dump.
[SOAP-609] - Move documentation from VFS to web based content delivery system.
[SOAP-662] - Add ssl client certificate capability to WSDL2CDF