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Event Message Reference

This appendix describes the SOAPAMCP process messages. Message numbers are grouped into the following ranges:


Errors1000 - 1999
Warnings2000 - 2999
Information3000 - 3999


SOAPAMCP 1922 Unable to open CDF file  file-name :  reason-for-failure.

Cause:  The CDF file could not be opened. The reason-for-failure describes the failure.

Effect:  The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Resolve the cause of the failure and restart the SOAPAMCP process.


SOAPAMCP 1923 Unable to load CDF file file-name :  reason-for-failure.

Cause:  The CDF file was opened but could not be loaded. The reason-for-failure describes the failure.

Effect:  The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Resolve the cause of the failure and restart the SOAPAMCP process.

Cause:  The option-name option was specified but no credentials were supplied. The option requires a credentials string or file name.


SOAPAMCP 1924 The  option-name  option requires a valid credentials string.

Effect: The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: If you wish to use a HTTP authentication correct the option specification and restart the SOAPAMCP process.


SOAPAMCP 1925 Unable to load credentials: reason-for-failure .

Cause:  The credentials specified in the -sslclientcert or -httpauth option could not be loaded. The reason-for-failure describes the failure.

Effect:  The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Resolve the cause of the failure and restart the SOAPAMCP process.


SOAPAMCP 1926 The specified trusted root file  file-name  does not exist.

Cause:  The file specified with the -sslcarootfile option does not exist.

Effect:  The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Correct the file specification and restart SOAPAMCP.


SOAPAMCP 1927 The specified local CA file  file-name  does not exist.

Cause:  The file specified with the -sslcalocalfile option does not exist.

Effect:  The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Correct the file specification and restart SOAPAMCP.


SOAPAMCP 1928 SSL Initialization error:  reason-for-failure.

Cause:  An error occurred while initialization the SSL subsystem or loading the client certificate.

Effect:  The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Correct the issue described in reason-for-failure and restart SOAPAMCP.


SOAPAMCP 1929 Invalid syntax for the -messagedump option. Valid message dump values are 'soap', 'ipm', and 'raw'.

Cause:  The -messagedump option was incorrectly specified.

Effect: The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Correct the -messagedump option and restart the process.

Cause:  The -sslclientcert option was specified but no file name or credentials were supplied.


SOAPAMCP 1931 Unable to load the product license from license-source :  reason-for-failure.

Cause:  There is a problem with the license file. The reason-for-failure describes the failure.

Effect: The SOAPAMCP process starts but will not process web service requests until a valid license is installed.

Recovery: Install a valid license.


SOAPAMCP 1938 The -sslclientcert option requires a valid certificate file name and associated credentials.

Effect: The SOAPAMCP process continues to run but no client certificate will be loaded.

Recovery: If you wish to use a client certificate correct the option specification and restart the SOAPAMCP process.


SOAPAMCP 1940 The service location URL is not valid.

Cause:  The URL specified for the service endpoint is not valid. This URL may be specified in the CDF or with the -location startup option.

Effect: The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Correct the URL specification and restart SOAPAMCP.


SOAPAMCP 1941 Host name  host-name  could not be resolved to an IP address.

Cause:  The host name specified in the service location URL could not be resolved to an IP address. This URL may be specified in the CDF or with the -location startup option.

Effect: The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Correct the URL specification and restart SOAPAMCP. If the URL is correct then resolve the name resolution problem and restart SOAPAMCP.


SOAPAMCP 1944 The required -cdf option was not supplied.

Cause:  The -cdf option is a required startup parameter and it was not supplied.

Effect: The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Restart the SOAPAMCP process and supply a valid -cdf option.


SOAPAMCP 1945 Unable to open policy file  file-name :  reason-for-failure.

Cause:  The web service policy file could not be opened. The reason-for-failure describes the failure.

Effect:  The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Resolve the cause of the failure and restart the SOAPAMCP process.


SOAPAMCP 1946 Unable to load policy file  file-name :  reason-for-failure.

Cause:  The policy file was opened but could not be loaded. The reason-for-failure describes the failure.

Effect:  The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Resolve the cause of the failure and restart the SOAPAMCP process.


SOAPAMCP 1947 Invalid syntax for the -messagedumpfilter option.

Cause:  The -messagedumpfilter option was incorrectly specified.

Effect: The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Correct the -messagedumpfilter option and restart the process.


SOAPAMCP 1948 Unable to open certificate file  file-name :  reason-for-failure.

Cause:  The certfiicate file could not be opened. The reason-for-failure describes the failure.

Effect:  The SOAPAMCP process stops.

Recovery: Resolve the cause of the failure and restart the SOAPAMCP process.


SOAPAMCP 2800 Warning: The installed license expires on  date.

Cause:  The installed license will expire on the specified date. This message is generated once per day when the license will expire in less than 30 days.

Effect: When the license expires the server will no longer process web service requests.

Recovery: Renew the license.


SOAPAMCP 3100 NuWave Technologies SOAP/AM  Client  version.

Cause:  This message is generated at SOAPAMCP process startup and displays the product version.

Effect: This message in informational.

Recovery: None


SOAPAMCP 3102 Starting in CPU  cpu-number  with options:  startup-options-list.

Cause:  This message is generated at SOAPAMCP process startup and displays the startup CPU and options.

Effect: This message in informational.

Recovery: None


SOAPAMCP  3106 Stopping.

Cause:  This message is displayed when the SOAPAMCP process begins the shutdown process.

Effect: This message in informational.

Recovery: None


SOAPAMCP  3107 Stopped.

Cause:  This message is displayed when the SOAPAMCP process stops.

Effect: This message in informational.

Recovery: None


SOAPAMCP  3112 Using TCPIP process  process-name , specified by  < options | DEFINE | default >.

Cause:  This message is generated at SOAPAMCP process startup and displays the TCP/IP process name being used and how the process name was determined.

Effect: This message in informational.

Recovery: None


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