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Installing SOAPam Client

This section contains all the information you need to install SOAPam Client.


Installation Prerequisites

Please refer to the Release Notes for the latest information.  The Release Notes can be viewed at the NuWave Technologies Support Center.

SOAPam Client requires the following HP NonStop Server software:

  • HP NonStop™ Kernel D48/G06.15/H06.09 or later
  • HP NonStop TCP/IP
  • HP NonStop TM/MP

Although not required, SOAPam integrates with these products, if installed:

  • HP Data Definition Language
  • HP TCP/IP Parallel Library, or TCP/IPv6

Obtaining the Software

SOAPam Client is distributed as single PAK file which you can download over the Internet. To download the software, use your Web browser to visit the NuWave Technologies Download Center. Click the hyperlink to download the PAK file to your desktop system, then use FTP to upload the file to your NonStop Server (be sure to use binary transfer mode).

Note that the PAK file name is in the format CRmnppa where:

mnpp indicates the version number in the form major.minor.patch, e.g., 3001 indicates release 3.0.1

a indicates the target architecture, where R indicates TNS/R (S-Series) and E indicates TNS/E (H and J series).

Selecting an Installation Volume

The SOAPam program files require approximately 30 megabytes of disk space and may be installed on any volume with sufficient space.

Extracting the Release Files

After copying the WCSPAK PAK file to your NonStop Server, perform the following steps at a TACL prompt. Note that you should substitute the correct PAK file name for your system architecture (WSCPAKR for TNS/R or WSCPAKE for TNS/E).:

1. If you are upgrading an existing installation of SOAPam Client, stop any SOAPAMCP processes running from the current subvolume. This may require shutting down any Pathway systems that are running the SOAPAMCP process as a server.


2. Extract the release files from the archive by running WSCPAK:

tacl> UNPAK PAKFILE, (*.*.*), VOL $volume.subvolume, MYID, LISTALL

where $volume.subvolume specifies the location to store the extracted files. Because the UNPAK program uses the Guardian RESTORE utility, you must have "execute" permission for that program. If you are extracting the the TNS/E version, specify WSCPAKE instead of WSCPAKR.

3. You may delete the PAK file at this time if you wish:


Obtaining and Installing a License

SOAPam Client requires the installation of a license. The license is installed in an edit file on the NonStop Server which is read by the SOAPAMCP program to validate the installation. If you have purchased the product your license will be delivered via email. If you are using a trial copy of the product, trial licenses may be requested at the NuWave Technologies License Center. You must know your system number in order to request a trial license. The system number can be determined using the NonStop SYSINFO program which can be run from the TACL prompt:

SYSINFO - T9268H01 - (01 OCT 2004) SYSTEM \NSKNODE Date 07 Jan 2015, 12:00:00
Copyright 2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
System name \NSKNODE
 EXPAND node number 001
 Current SYSnn SYS00
 System number 012345
 Software release ID H06.nn

Note that when requesting a license from the License Center you must enter all digits of the license including the leading '0's. Once your trial license is delivered via email install the license using the procedure outlined in the section Product Licensing.

Testing the Installation

The SOAPam Client software includes a TACL routine that tests the installation by connecting to the EchoString sample web service on NuWave's SOAPam demonstration server. You can test your installation by entering the following command at the TACL prompt: Note that. in order to run this test, your NonStop system must have access to the Internet.

tacl> run ECHOTEST

SOAPam(tm) Client - Echo String Test 
This TACL routine uses the SOAPam Client Process 
to access the EchoString service at 
Starting the SOAPam Client Process ... 
Sending a request to the EchoString service ... 
Checking the reply ... 
The EchoString service was called successfully. 
The SOAPam Web Client software is functioning correctly.

If an error occurs the echotest routine will display the source of the error and the description. The routine also creates a log file named ECHOLOG in the current subvolume which contains information that may be helpful if you need to troubleshoot your installation.

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