How to Obtain Support
We welcome your feedback and encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments. Please visit the NuWave Technologies Support Center to learn how to contact us.
We work hard to deliver quality products to our customers, but occasionally something goes wrong. Please review our suggestions for How to Submit a Product Support Request. Below are instructions for obtaining product-specific details you should include in your Support Request:
Determine the Product Version
Use the NonStop VPROC utility to find the SOAPam Client product version:
> VPROC [<installation-subvolume>.]SOAPAMCP
Copy and paste the VPROC output to your support request.
Include a Copy of the Client Definition File
If your issue concerns a specific service that you are using, attach a copy of the Client Definition File (CDF).
Enable Diagnostic Logging
A diagnostic log includes detailed information about a single API method invocation. This information can be extremely useful in diagnosing problems. If your issue concerns a specific API, enable diagnostic logging. Download the diagnostic log and attach it to your Support Request.
Client Application Source Code
If your problem relates to a specific API method invocation, consider including the relevant source code from your client application with your Support Request. That is, the source code that constructs and sends the request and receives and examines the response.