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The WSDL2CDF utility

creates a Client Definition File (CDF) by reading the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file that describes the target Web service and augmenting it with mapping information.

The Client Definition File (CDF) contains all of the information needed by the SOAPAMCP process to map a request IPM to a Web service request and map the Web service response back to an reply IPM. Some minor manual tuning of the generated CDF may be required, however. See Editing the Client Definition File for more information.

This section describes how to start the WSDL2CDF program from TACL.

tacl> run WSDL2CDF / run-options / command-line-parameters

The "-wsdl" and "-cdf" command-line parameters are required. All others are optional.


The standard TACL run options.



Reads command line parameters from <command-file>. Parameters specified on the command line override any specified in the file. At most, one '@' parameter may used. The file itself cannot contain an '@' parameter (i.e., no nesting).

-wsdl <wsdl-spec>

The URL or file name of a WSDL file. This parameter is required. If the name begins with "http:" or "https:", it is assumed to be a URL. Otherwise, it is assumed to be a Guardian filename. For URLs, case is preserved. Note that some http servers treat URLs as case sensitive. This parameter is required.

-cdf <file name> [ ! | + ]

The Guardian filename of the Client Definition File to be created. If the file already exists, specify the '!' option to indicate that the file should be overwritten, or specify the '+' option to indicate that you want to merge the result of this session into the existing CDF. This parameter is required.


Displays documentation for the program command line options.

-httpauth { #<userid>:<password> | <credentials-file> }

The credentials required for the HTTP connection to the Web service host when HTTP Basic or Digest authentication is required. Specify either your userid and password (in plain text) or the name of an existing SOAPam credentials file containing the encrypted userid and password. Refer to Using Credentials Files for additional information.

-httpproxy <address[:port]>

The URL or IP address and port of an HTTP proxy that should be used for HTTP connections. If omitted, no proxy is used. If the port value is omitted, port 80 is used.

-httpproxyauth { #<userid>:<password> | <credentials-file> }

The credentials required for authentication with the HTTP proxy. Specify either your userid and password (in plain text) or the name of an existing SOAPam credentials file containing the encrypted userid and password.


If this parameter is specified, and the WSDL is located on an instance of SOAPam™ Server, the utility will attempt to import types and their attributes from the associated Service Definition File. See Remarks, below.

-language { COBOL | COBOL74 | C | TAL | TACL }

The language bias that should be used when generating the CDF. If omitted, "C" is assumed. For Screen COBOL clients, use the "COBOL74" option.

-maxoccurs <numeric value>

The default 'occurs' count to be used for unbounded arrays. If omitted, 2 is used.

-methods <method-name> [ <method-name> ... ]

A space-separated list of method names that should be copied from the WSDL. If omitted, all of the methods in the service are copied to the CDF. Method names are case-sensitive.


This option indicates that the Client Process should enable SSL v2 connections. Note that because of known flaws with the v2 implementation, you should not enable this option unless it is required by your Web service host.


This option indicates that the Client Process should not validate the server certificate for common name, expiration date, or issuer when an SSL connection is established. Note that this option should only be used in a development/test environment where the server may not necessarily pass all of the verification criteria. It should not be used in a production environment.

-stringsize <numeric value>

The size to be used for strings that have do not have a specified length in the WSDL. If omitted, 32 is used.

-tcpip <process name>

Specifies the name of the TCPIP process that the process should use if the WSDL file is specified as a URL. It can represent a standard TCPIP process or a Parallel Library Socket Access Method (TCPSAM) process. If omitted, the value of the =TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME define is used.


All command-line parameter names and values are case-insensitive except where noted. If multiple occurrences of the same command line parameter are encountered, the setting of the last occurrence is used.

By default, the WSDL2CDF utility sets all the sizes of all string elements that it copies from the WSDL to a default value. However, if the Web service is implemented with SOAPam Server, WSDL2CDF can read the Service Definition File (SDF) associated with the WSDL to determine the actual string sizes. Use the "-importtypes" command-line parameter to invoke this feature.


tacl> run WSDL2CDF -wsdl -cdf bankcdf
tacl> run WSDL2CDF -wsdl -cdf bankcdf ! -language cobol 
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