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Collecting Process Statistics

SOAPam Server can be configured to collect statistics for web services calls. The statistics are collected in the process and periodically written to an entry sequenced file. The statistics file can then be processed by system monitoring software. SOAPam Server includes definition files necessary for direct integration with the Prognosis performance monitor. DDL source for the statistics file is also included for those customers who wish to implement custom analysis of the statistics.

Activating Statistics Collection

Statistics are activated by supplying the -statscfg option on the process startup command line and supplying the name of a valid statistics configuration file. Refer to Stats Configuration for more information on statistics configuration files. Note that multiple processes can concurrently write to a single statistics collection file.

Integrating with Prognosis

The SOAPam Server release contains two files necessary to integrate statistics collection with Prognosis. These files are:

  • PRGNSEXT - Prognosis extractor script for server statistics file
  • PRGNSREC - Prognosis UDEFSREC record definition for the server statistics file.

These file are for use with the Prognosis File Extractor product. The extractor must be configured as a LOG mode extractor using the extractor script and statistics file as parameters, for example:


Refer to your Prognosis documentation for complete instructions on installing these files into Prognosis and configuring the Extractor.

Statistics DDL

The statistics file DDL source is contained in the file STATDDL included with the release. The DDL file contains documentation for each field in the statistics record.

How Statistics are Collected

Statistics data is collected internally in the SOAPAM process and periodically flushed to the statistics output file. Only the latest record in the statistics file for each web service request call contains the most recent data. The latest record can be determined using the TimeUpdt field. This collection mechanism allows monitoring processes such as Prognosis to monitor the statistics file for updates and read the latest entries for updated statistics information. The STATSCON utility can be used to consolidate a collection of statistics files into a single statistics record or CSV file containing only the latest information.

Statistics Data Column Descriptions

Detailed descriptions for the statistics data is shown below. Note that columns with times designation represent three columns with the average, maximum, and minimum elapsed times for that data element. The elapsed times are in seconds.



Rec Type

The record type for this record. Web service client records have the form RECTYPE-1.nn, where nn is the record version number.


The node name of the SOAPAM process.


The process name of the SOAPAM process.

Tcp Name

The name of the TCP/IP process being used by the SOAPAM process.


The IP address of the service endpoint.


The TCP protocol port of the service endpoint.


The IP address of the web service client.


The URI portion of the endpoint URL.

Svc Meth

The method name of that was invoked by the web service client.


The process name of the application server invoked by the web service method. If the application server is a Pathway server, this will be the process name of the PATHMON process. If the application server is a standalone process, this will be the name of the process. Note that if the server name configured in the Server Definition File (SDF) is a DEFINE name, and the DEFINE name cannot be resolved, a SOAP fault will be returned and this column will contain the DEFINE name.


The serverclass name of the application server invoked by the web service method. If the application server is a standalone process, the value will be "N/A".

Svc Cnt

The number of time the method was invoked during the sample period.

Svc Flts

The number of times SOAPAM Server returned a SOAP fault to the web service client. A SOAP fault may be returned for several reasons, including errors while serialization/deserialization of the SOAP payload, I/O errors when communicating with the application server, or any other non-retryable error that occurs while processing the request.

Serv TO

The number of time a SERVERCLASS_SEND_ or WRITEREADX timeout occurred for this method. Note that SOAPam Server does not specify a timeout when it calls these system procedures, but a timeout may still be returned by the PATHMON or file system.

Recv times

The time take to receive the SOAP request from the web service client of the TCP/IP network. This includes the reception of the HTTP request line, HTTP headers, and SOAP payload.

Dser times

The time taken to deserialize the SOAP request payload into the application request IPM.

Serv times

The time taken by the message exchange with the application server. This includes the  WRITEREADX or SERVERCLASS_SEND_ call to send the request to the application server, the AWAITIOX call for the response, and any transaction begin, end, or abort operations.

Ser times

The time taken to serialize the application reply IPM into the SOAP response payload.

Send times

The time taken to transmit the web service response to the web service client over the TCP/IP network. This includes the transmission of the HTTP status line, HTTP headers, and SOAP payload.

Totl times

The total time taken for the web service request. This is the sum of the Recv, Dser, Serv, Ser, Send times.


The collection time of the first data point for this data sample.


The collection time of the latest data point for this data sample.


The elapsed time of this data sample.

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