Dictionary Import Options
Use this page to specify how DDL dictionary objects will be handled when they are imported into the SDF.
Convert object names to lower case
All characters in dictionary object names will be converted to lower case.
Convert object names to upper case
All characters in dictionary object names will be converted to upper case.
No conversion, use the object names as stored in the dictionary
No conversion will take place. Typically object names are stored in the dictionary in upper case. However, if the OUTPUT_SENSITIVE option was used when the dictionary was loaded, the object names may be mixed case.
Convert hyphens in object names to underscores
Hyphens in object names will be converted to underscores. Because the dictionary object names may ultimately be used as variable names in client programs, and some client languages do not support hyphens in variable names, the use if this option is recommended.
Expose numerics with zero scale as integers
Numeric types that have no scale (no fractional portion) will be exposed in the WSDL as integer types. This can make it easier to deal with these types in client applications.