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Service Definition Reference

A SOAPam Service Definition File (SDF) is an instance of an XML document that is stored in SOAPam Server's Virtual File System (VFS) as a text file with the ".sdf" filename extension. The SDF contains all the information that SOAPam Server needs to

  • dynamically generate a standard WSDL describing the service
  • map incoming SOAP requests to the appropriate Pathway or Guardian server in the interprocess message format it expects
  • map the server's reply into a SOAP response that is returned to the client.

You can use the SOAPam Service Definition Wizard to create or maintain your SDF. However, to take advantage of all SOAPam Server features, you may need to modify the SDF manually. This section describes the content of the SDF.

The XML schema for SOAPam Service Definition Files is located at If you have an XML-aware editor the schema may be helpful in creating and/or validating your SDFs.


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