Upgrading SOAPam Server
This section contains information on upgrading an existing SOAPam Server installation. If you are installing SOAPam Server for the first time refer to Installing SOAPam Server.
Upgrade Considerations
Before upgrading an existing SOAPam Server review the Cumulative Change Log for the chosen release.
Upgrading to a newer release of SOAPam Server always makes changes to the VFS which are not reversible. In the event that a rollback is required, the VFS must be restored from backup as downgrading the VFS is not supported. Always backup your existing VFS before performing an upgrade. Refer to Copying or Moving the VFS for more information on backing up the VFS.
Obtaining the Software
SOAPam Server is distributed as single PAK file which you can download over the Internet. To download the software, use your Web browser to visit the NuWave Technologies Download Center. Select the appropriate software version and architecture (TNS/R or TNS/E) and download the PAK file to your desktop system, then use FTP or IXF to upload the file to your NonStop Server (be sure to use binary transfer mode).
Note that the PAK file name is in the format SRmnppa where:
mnpp indicates the version number in the form major.minor.patch, e.g., 3003 indicates release 3.0.3
a indicates the target architecture, where R indicates TNS/R and E indicates TNS/E.
Extracting the Release Files
After copying the PAK file to your NonStop Server, perform the following steps at a TACL prompt. Note that you should substitute the correct PAK file name for your system installation:
If you are upgrading an existing installation of SOAPam, stop any SOAPAM processes running from the current subvol. You should also backup the contents of the existing subvol.
tacl>status *, prog soapam, stop
Extract the release files from the PAK file:
tacl>unpak <pak-file>, (*.*.*), vol <target-subvol>, myid, listall
where <pak-file> is the name of the installation PAK file and <target-subvol> specifies the location to store the extracted files. Because the self-extractor uses the Guardian RESTORE utility, you must have "execute" permission for that program.
You may delete the PAK file at this time if you wish.
tacl>purge <pak-file>
Updating the Virtual File System
The VFS is updated using the VFSMGR utility. You must perform this operation when you update an existing installation. The syntax of the command is:
tacl>run vfsmgr -setup [ <vfs-subvol> [ <vfs-image-file> ] ]
where <vfs-subvol> is the location of the existing VFS and <vfs-image-file> is the location of a VFSIMAGE to be used to update the VFS.
Run the VFSMGR utility specifying the location of an existing VFS. All customer-created content will be preserved. Before proceeding it is strongly recommended that you backup your existing VFS. Refer to the section Copying or Moving the VFS for advice on how to backup the VFS.
tacl>run vfsmgr -setup $data.soapam
NuWave Technologies SOAPam VFSMGR Utility
Copyright (c) 2002-2014 NuWave Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
An existing VFS was found in subvol $data.soapam. Setup will update the
VFS from the release image file $data.soapam.vfsimage.
Press ENTER to continue or CTRL-Y to terminate setup.
Updating the VFS from the release image, please wait ...
Setup completed successfully.
Starting the Server
Refer to section Managing the SOAPam Server Process for more information on starting, stopping, and managing SOAPam Server