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User Management

The User Management feature allows you to create and manage SOAPam Server users. Access to SOAPam Server resources such as Control Panel administration functions, developer tools and Web service execution are all dependent on folder permissions given to users. There are two special, pre-configured users: Administrator and Anonymous. Administrator has access to all functions and folders. Anonymous does not require a password -- anything to which Anonymous has access can be accessed by anyone. Neither user can be deleted. The User Management page lists the name and description (if any) of each configured user. To add a new user, click the

 icon. To modify the properties of an existing user or to delete a user, click the
 icon to the left of the user name.

Adding a New User

To create a new user click the

 icon, supply the following properties, and click the Add button.

  • User Name  - consists of 1-26 alphanumeric characters or '_', but must start with an alphabetic character. User names are not case sensitive and must be unique.
  • Description  - consists of 0-32 characters. This field is optional and can be used for any purpose.
  • Password  - consists of 1-16 characters. Spaces are not allowed. Passwords are case sensitive. The characters of the password appear as asterisks ("*") as you type to prevent any onlookers from learning the password. Since you yourself cannot see what you have typed, we ask you to confirm it by entering it again.
  • Group Membership - select the group or groups to which the user belongs. It is not a requirement that a user be a member of a group. Including a user in a group gives the user access to folders that permit access to the group.

Modifying User Properties

To modify the properties of an existing user click the 

 to the left of the user name. The user's description, password, and group membership may be modified. To save the modifications click the Save button.

Deleting a User

To delete a user, click the 

 to the left of the user name and click the Delete button. A dialog will be shown asking to confirm the deletion. 



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