Installing LightWave Client
These instructions apply to new installations. See Updating LightWave Client for instructions for updating an existing installation to a new release version. Note that you may install the product more than once (in separate subvolumes) on the same NonStop system if you wish.
Before proceeding with the installation process refer to the Release Notes for important information about the current release of the software, particularly the Installation Prerequisites.
The software is delivered in a single PAK archive containing the following files:
- CONSOLE- The LightWave Client Console process.
- CLIENT - The LightWave Client CLIENT process.
- CUTILITY - The LightWave Client Utility process.
- ICUDATA - Character set translation data.
- CCPnnnnn - The console installation package (where nnnnn is a version number)
- CAROOT - A bundle of root certificate authority certificates
- RWORDS - A list of C and COBOL reserved words that are installed for use by the DDL generator.
- ZLOGOPTS - Sample logging options file
- ZSTARTPW - Sample CLIENT process Pathway configuration startup macro
- ZSTARTUP - Sample CONSOLE process startup macro
- LWMLDDL - Message Logging DDL.
CUTILITY has been deprecated and will no longer be updated. LWCCOM has replaced CUTILITY as the LightWave Client management CLI.
Overview of Installation
The process is performed from a TACL prompt. These are the steps:
Obtain a Product License
A license is required to run LightWave Client. If this is the first time you are installing the product on your NonStop system, you may obtain a free 30-day trial license at the Trial License Center. Otherwise, a license will be provided to you upon purchase of the product. Do not request a trial license until you are ready to begin using the product, as the 30-day timer starts on the day the license is issued. Note that you may install LightWave Client without a license, however the product will not function until a valid license is installed.
Download the Release Package
The software is distributed as a single PAK archive file. The software may be downloaded from our Software Download Center. Transfer the PAK file to your NonStop system using binary transfer mode.
Install the Release Package
Unpak the release package PAK archive file into an empty subvolume.
> UNPAK <pakfile> ($*.*.*), vol <installation-subvolume>, myid, listall
where <pakfile> is the name of the release package PAK archive file you transferred earlier.
Create a Filesystem
LightWave Client stores its operational data in a filesystem consisting of a collection of files. A filesystem is created using the LWCCOM application as follows:
> run LWCCOM create filesystem <filesystem-subvolume>, password <admin-user-password>
where <filesystem-subvolume> is the name of a subvolume on a TMF-audited disk. The filesystem may be created in the same subvolume as the program files (the 'installation subvolume'), or a separate subvolume. The <admin-user-password> parameter specifies the password for the default "admin" user.
Optionally Install the Console Package
The LightWave Client Console provides a browser based management interface to LightWave Console. Although the Console provides a convenient management interface, its use in some deployment scenarios may not be appropriate. When the Console is not installed, all management must be done using the LWCCOM program. In order to use the Console, install the console package as follows:
> run LWCCOM control filesystem <filesystem-subvolume>, installcon <console-package-file>
where <filesystem-subvolume> is the name of a subvolume containing an existing LightWave Client filesystem. The <console-package-file> parameter specifies the the console package file included with the release in the form CCPnnnnn.
Install the Product License
Transfer the license file you received by email to your NonStop system using text or 'ascii' file transfer mode. The license must be stored in an 'edit' file in one of the following locations:
- the file LICENSE in the LightWave Client installation subvolume
- the file LICLWC in the LightWave Client installation subvolume
The LightWave Client CLIENT process validates the license at startup and periodically while running. Any license errors will be written to the event log. Note that if the license file content is altered in any way, the license will become invalid. For more information see Product Licensing.
Start the Console Process
The LightWave Client Console process supports the user interface for the product. Refer to Starting the Console Process for further instructions.
Once the Console process is running, open your browser to http://system-name:port-number, where system-name is your NonStop system name or IP address and port-number is the TCP/IP port number you used when starting the Console process. Login to the LightWave Client Console application using the username 'admin' and the password 'password' (or the new password you specified when you created the filesystem).