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Users and Groups

The User and Group management features allows you to create and manage LightWave Client users and groups. 

To add a new user:

  1. Select "Users" from the Console menu.
  2. Click the
  3. Enter the user name, which is also the users sign-in user ID, and the user's full name.
  4. Enter the user's password.
  5. Select the groups of which the user is a member. Begin typing in the group field to select the group by name or enter a period to show a list of all groups.
  6. Select whether or not the user is disabled.
  7. Click Save to save the user or Cancel to exit without saving.

To add a new group:

  1. Select "Groups" from the Console menu.
  2. Click the 
  3. Enter the group name and a group description.
  4. Select the users that are members of the group. Begin typing in the user field to select the user by name or enter a period to show a list of all users.
  5. Click Save to save the group or Cancel to exit without saving.
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