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LightWave Client Authentication Exits

As you review the documentation and explore the software, please keep the following in mind:

  • Alpha Stage: This is an alpha release, which means it's an early version that's likely to undergo significant changes. The product is still in development, and some features may be incomplete or subject to revision.

  • Dynamic Documentation and Code: The documentation and code you're accessing are part of a work in progress. They are subject to frequent updates as we refine and expand the product. We recommend checking back regularly for the latest information.

  • Your Input Matters: As an alpha tester, your feedback is invaluable to us. We welcome your insights on bugs, usability, and any suggestions for improvement. Your input will be instrumental in shaping the final product.

  • Forward-Looking Development: We are committed to evolving and enhancing this product. As part of this journey, we appreciate your understanding and patience with the iterative nature of an alpha release.

Thank you for participating in this early stage of our product's development. Your involvement is crucial to its success. If you have problems, questions, or suggestions, please send them to

Preview Documentation

These pages describe the Lightwave Client Authentication Exits feature and will ultimately be integrated into the LightWave Client documentation.

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