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SOAPam Server Compatibility in LightWave Server

As you review the documentation and explore the software, please keep the following in mind:

  • Early Adopter Stage: This is an early adopter release, which means it's an early version that's likely to undergo changes. The product is still in development, and some features may be incomplete or subject to revision.

  • Dynamic Documentation and Code: The documentation and code you're accessing are part of a work in progress. They are subject to frequent updates as we refine and expand the product. We recommend checking back regularly for the latest information.

  • Your Input Matters: As an early adopter, your feedback is invaluable to us. We welcome your insights on bugs, usability, and any suggestions for improvement. Your input will be instrumental in shaping the final product.

Thank you for participating in the early adopter stage of our product's development. We are looking forward to quickly advancing to the next phase of release, and your involvement is essential for our success. If you have problems, questions, or suggestions, please send them to

Preview Documentation

These pages describe the SOAPam Compatibility feature in LightWave Server and will ultimately be integrated into the LightWave Server documentation.

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Release Notes

1.2.0-beta.4- Sep 10 2024

  • Added support for sharing filesystems among SERVER processes

  • Added support for round-robin filter key (port sharing) for service ports.

1.2.0-beta.3- Aug 12 2024

  • WSDL generation is complete

1.2.0-beta.2- Jul 22 2024

  • An issue with dictionary offset calculation was corrected.

1.2.0-beta.1- Jul 21 2024

  • Several issues with SOAPam compatible array handling and dictionary offset calculation have been corrected.

What’s Available

  • Import of Service Definition Files (SDFs) into LightWave Server using LWSCOM

  • Support for SOAP message exchange with services imported from SDFs.

  • Support for SOAPam Server compliant Server and Client Transaction Control.

  • Support for the SOAPam Server Transaction Control Service.

  • SOAPam Server compatible Process Statistics Collection.

  • SDF Initializers are now imported by the SDF import process.

  • The LightWave Control API Tester now supports SOAP requests.

What We're Working On

  • The API Editor has limited ability to edit API definitions imported from SDFs. In this release editing imported APIs should be avoided.

  • IP Address restrictions for accessing the LightWave Server Console.

What We’re Not Planning on Supporting

LightWave Server does not support the following SOAPam Server features:

  • Connection Security - SOAPam Server allowed services to be configured to require an SSL/TLS connection. This can be managed in LightWave Server using appropriate service port configuration. In addition, TLS connections for modern web services is the norm.

  • User Impersonation - SOAPam Server allowed services to be configured to invoke serverclass I/O while impersonating a specified Guardian user. We are not aware of any customers using this feature. This ability is currently on the LightWave Server roadmap.

If you have a need for these features, please contact NuWave support.

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