<element> element
parents | type |
children | none |
Attribute | Data Type | Usage | Default Value | Description |
name | xsd:NCName | required | The name of the element. It must be unique within the parent <type>. | |
type | xsd:NCName | required | The data type of the element. Must be one of the built-in types or the name of another <type> element defined within <types>. | |
cdataWrapper | xsd:NCName | optional | If non-zero, the element content is wrapped in a CDATA section on serialization and upon deserialization, any CDATA sections are removed. | |
ddlName | xsd:NCName | optional | Alternate identifier to be used for the name of this element by the CDF2DDL utility when generating DDL. By default, CDF2DDL uses the value of the 'name' attribute as the corresponding DDL element name, but truncates or suffixes the name if it would violate DDL naming rules. Use this attribute to provide a DDL-compatible name. | |
dependsOn | xsd:NCName | optional | If maxOccurs is greater than 1, the name of an element (contained within the same <type> as this element) that indicates the number of array elements at runtime. | |
ignore | xsd:positiveInteger | optional | 0 | Indicates whether or not the element is serialize/deserialized. Typically used on elements serving as the 'dependsOn' for an array. If the value of this attribute is 0, the element is assumed to be included in the SOAP envelope. If non-zero, the element will not be included in the SOAP envelope. |
minOccurs | xsd:positiveInteger | optional | 1 | If the element represents an array, the minimum number of occurrences. |
maxOccurs | xsd:positiveInteger | optional | 1 | If the element represents an array, the maximum number of occurrences. |
offset | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | optional | The position of this element relative to the start of the containing <type>, in bytes. If omitted, the offset is calculated based on the size and alignment rules of the preceding types. | |
size | xsd:positiveInteger | optional | The storage size for the element. If omitted, the default size for the type is assumed. | |
stringPadding | xsd:token | optional | inherited from parent <type> | Specifies how SOAPam should treat string values it receives from, and returns to, client applications when serializing and deserializing SOAP messages. Valid values are "zeros" and "spaces". See Remarks for details. |
whitespace | xsd:NCName | optional | preserve | Causes an xml:space="default|preserve" attribute to be added to the element. Valid values are "default" and "preserve". |
xsdType | xsd:NCName | optional | Indicates an alternate, standard XML schema type that should be used when serializing/deserializing this element to/from the SOAP envelope. If omitted, the SOAP envelope type is determined by the standard NSK/XSD type translation. A list of standard type translations can be found in built-in types. | |
encoding | xsd:NCName | optional | ISO-8859-1 | Indicates an character encoding that should be used when serializing/deserializing this element to/from the SOAP envelope. If omitted, the default encoding is ISO-8859-1. A list of available encoding names can be found in Character Encoding Names. |
To override the default name generation behavior of CDF2DDL, use the ddlName attribute.
To override the default data type translation behavior, modify the type attribute to the desired type name and set the xsdType to the type name that the Web service expects (what WSDL2CDF originally generated for the type attribute).
The stringPadding attribute specifies how SOAPam should treat string values it receives from, and returns to, client applications when serializing and deserializing SOAP messages. When stringPadding="spaces", SOAPam will remove trailing spaces from the value before sending to the target web service. Likewise, it will space pad a string value returned the web service before replying to the client application. The "spaces" setting is typically used for client applications written in COBOL. When stringPadding="zeros", SOAPam will treat the value as a null-terminated string. The "zeros" setting is typically used for client applications written in C. Set stringPadding on the parent <type> element to set the default for all <element>s in the type. Set stringPadding on the <types> element to set the default for all <element>s in the service.