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Generating IPM Definitions from DDL

The NonStop Data Definition Language (DDL) Compiler is a utility that is included with your NonStop system. It compiles DDL definitions into a binary format which can be subsequently output in the syntax of various programming languages such as C, COBOL, TAL or TACL.

The CDF2DDL utility produces DDL definitions from your Client Definition File (CDF). The DDL definitions describe the interprocess messages (IPMs) that your application sends to SOAPAMCP in order to call a Web service method. You use the DDL compiler to translate the DDL definitions into source code that you'll compile into your application.

DDL Compiler T9100ABS - (30JUN00)  SYSTEM \NODE
COPYRIGHT TANDEM COMPUTERS INCORPORATED 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1986-2000
Dictionary opened on subvol $MYVOL.MYSUBVOL for update access.                  
!?COBOL mycopybk !
!?C myheader !
!?SOURCE ddldefs

This example opens a COBOL source file, "mycopybk", and a C source file, "myheader", for output. The "?SOURCE" command simultaneously loads and compiles the definitions from the "ddldefs" file (the output from CDF2DDL), translates the definitions to COBOL and C and stores the output in the appropriate files.

Notes for SCOBOL Users

Note that if you are generating a source file for use in SCOBOL programs, you should set the COBOL74 option before generating the output.  An example of the use of this option is shown below:

DDL Compiler T9100ABS - (30JUN00)  SYSTEM \NODE
COPYRIGHT TANDEM COMPUTERS INCORPORATED 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1986-2000
Dictionary opened on subvol $MYVOL.MYSUBVOL for update access.                  
!?COBOL mycopybk !
!?SOURCE ddldefs


Refer to the HP Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Guide for more information about the DDL Compiler.

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