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This element represents an element of a <type>.







AttributeData TypeUsageDefault ValueDescription
namexsd:NCNamerequirednoneThe name of the element. It must be unique within the parent <type>.
offsetxsd:nonNegativeIntegerrequirednoneThe position of this element relative to the start of the containing <type>, in bytes.
sizexsd:positiveIntegerrequirednoneThe storage size for the element, in bytes.
typexsd:NCNamerequirednoneThe data type of the element. Must be one of the build-in types or the name of a <type> element.
dependsOnxsd:NCNameoptionalnoneIf the element represents an array, the name of the element (contained within the same <type> as this element) that indicates the actual number of array occurrences at runtime.
minOccursxsd:positiveIntegeroptional1If the element represents an array, the minimum number of occurrences. If the element represents a primitive type, indicates that the element is optional in the message.
maxOccursxsd:positiveIntegeroptional1If the element represents an array, the maximum number of occurrences.
variableArrayxsd:integeroptional0Indicates whether the array is variable a variable length array. Valid values are "0" (no) and "1" (yes). This attribute is ignored if the element has not been declared as an array using the minOccurs/maxOccurs attributes.
stringPaddingxsd:tokenoptionalzerosControls the way elements of type string are treated. The default value is inherited from the containing <type> or the <server> whose request or reply type contains this element. Valid values are "zeros" and "spaces".
sizeIsxsd:NCNameoptionalnoneThe name of an element (contained within the same <type> as this element) that indicates the actual size of this element at runtime.
xsdTypexsd:NCNameoptionalnoneIndicates an alternate, standard XML schema type that should be used when serializing/deserializing this element to/from the SOAP envelope. If omitted, the SOAP envelope type is determined by the standard NSK/XSD type translation. A list of standard type translations can be found in built-in types.
encodingxsd:NCNameoptionalnoneIndicates the character encoding that should be used when serializing/deserializing this element to/from the SOAP envelope. If omitted, the default encoding is the server's default encoding which is typically ISO-8859-1. This value may be altered by Server startup options. A list of available encoding names can be found in Character Encoding Names.

Indicates whether or not the element will appear in the WSDL. Valid values are "public" or "private". A value of "public" will cause the element to appear in the WSDL and will be accessible to client applications. A value of "private" will cause the element to be omitted from the WSDL and will be inaccessible to client applications. Note that an element marked as "private" will still be initialized properly in the IPM and can still act as an initializer target.

 Although the default value of the attribute is "public", this default can be altered by the defaultAccess attribute of this element's parent <type> element.


Refer to the section Advanced Topics for more information on these attributes.


<type name=MyReplyMessage" size="5004">
   <element name="ReplyCode" type="short" offset="0" size="2"/>
   <element name="MyArrayCount" type="short" offset="2" size="2"/>
   <element name="MyArray" type="MyArrayType" offset="4" size="50" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="100" dependsOn="MyArrayCount"/>
<type name="MyArrayType" size="50">
   <element name="MyLongInteger type="long" offset="0" size="4"/>
   <element name="MyLongString type="string" offset="4" size="46"/>
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