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SOAPam Server Documentation

Welcome to the documentation center for SOAPam Server by NuWave Technologies. You may navigate through the documentation using any of these methods:

  • The navigation links in the sidebar to the left.

  • The quick links shown below.

  • The search bar in the page header.

If you have comments, corrections, or questions about the product that are not answered here, please email or visit our Support Center.

Getting Started

What is SOAPam Server

Installing SOAPam Server

Upgrading SOAPam Server

Developing a Web Service

For Developers

Developer's Guide

Developing a Web Service

Managing Security  

Working with Transactions

Using the Service Catalog

For Administrators

The Administrator's Guide

Installing SOAPam Server

Upgrading SOAPam Server

The SOAPam Server Control Panel

Managing SOAPam Server

Managing the Virtual File System

Command Line Reference

Release Notes

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