Installing SOAPam Server
This section contains information on obtaining and installing SOAPam Server for the first time. If you are upgrading an existing SOAPam Server installation refer to Upgrading SOAPam Server.
Installation Prerequisites
SOAPam Server requires the following HP NonStop Server software:
- HP NonStop Kernel D48 or later, G06.15 or later, H06.09 or later, J06.03 or later. Note that D & G series systems use the TNS/R version of the product, H & J series systems use the TNS/E version of the product.
- HP NonStop TCP/IP
- HP NonStop TM/MP (TMF)
Although not required, SOAPam Server integrates with these products, if installed:
- HP NonStop TS/MP (Pathway)
- HP Data Definition Language (DDL, DDL2)
- HP TCP/IP Parallel Library, or TCP/IPv6 in IPv4 mode.
The Control Panel will work with the latest version of any of the following browsers:
- Chrome (Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android)
- Safari (Mac and iOS only)
- Firefox (Mac, Windows)
- Internet Explorer 9 or greater
- Opera (Mac, Windows)
Obtaining the Software
SOAPam Server is distributed as single PAK file which you can download over the Internet. To download the software, use your Web browser to visit the NuWave Technologies Download Center. Select the appropriate software version and architecture (TNS/R or TNS/E) and download the PAK file to your desktop system, then use FTP or IXF to upload the file to your NonStop Server (be sure to use binary transfer mode).
Note that the PAK file name is in the format SRmnppa where:
mnpp indicates the version number in the form m.n.pp, e.g., 3100 indicates release 3.1.0
a indicates the target architecture, where R indicates TNS/R and E indicates TNS/E.
Selecting an Installation Subvol
The SOAPam Server program files requires approximately 35 megabytes of disk space and may be installed on any volume with sufficient space.
You will also need to create an instance of the SOAPam Virtual File System (VFS). The VFS requires approximately 12 megabytes and must be located on a TMF-audited volume. Allow additional space for future growth. It is permissible to locate the VFS in the same subvol as the program files as long as the volume is audited.
Extracting the Release Files
After copying the PAK file to your NonStop Server, perform the following steps at a TACL prompt. Note that you should substitute the correct PAK file name for your system installation:
If you are upgrading an existing installation of SOAPam, stop any SOAPAM processes running from the current subvol. You should also backup the contents of the existing subvol.
tacl>status *, prog soapam, stop
Extract the release files from the PAK file:
tacl>unpak <pak-file>, (*.*.*), vol <target-subvol>, myid, listall
where <pak-file> is the name of the installation PAK file and <target-subvol> specifies the location to store the extracted files. Because the self-extractor uses the Guardian RESTORE utility, you must have "execute" permission for that program.
You may delete the PAK file at this time if you wish.
tacl>purge <pak-file>
Creating the Virtual File System
The Virtual File System (VFS) is a collection of audited, key-sequenced Enscribe files in which SOAPam stores all of its operational data. The VFS must be located on a TMF-audited volume. The VFS is created using the VFSMGR utility. The syntax of the command is:
tacl>run vfsmgr -setup [ <vfs-subvol> [ <vfs-image-file> ] ]
where <vfs-subvol> is the location in which to create the VFS and <vfs-image-file> is the location of a VFSIMAGE to be used to update the VFS. Run the VFSMGR utility specifying the desired location of the VFS, for example:
tacl>run vfsmgr -setup $data.soapam
NuWave Technologies SOAPam VFSMGR Utility
Copyright (c) 2002-2014 NuWave Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Setup will format a new VFS in subvol $data.soapam and update it from
the release image file $data.soapam.vfsimage.
Press ENTER to continue or CTRL-Y to terminate setup.
Formatting the VFS, please wait ...
Updating the VFS from the release image, please wait ...
Setup completed successfully.
Obtaining and Installing a License
SOAPam Server requires the installation of a license. The license is installed in an edit file on the NonStop Server which is read by SOAPam Server to validate the installation. If you have purchased the product your license will be delivered via email. If you are using a trial copy of the product, a trial license may be requested at the NuWave Technologies License Center. You must know your system number in order to request a trial license. The system number can be determined using the NonStop SYSINFO program which can be run from the TACL prompt:
>run sysinfo
SYSINFO - T9268D37 - (27 Nov 97) SYSTEM \NSK Date 28 Sep 2006, 13:54:45
System name \NODE
EXPAND node number 043
Current SYSnn SYS03
System number 012345
Software release ID G06.nn
Note that when requesting a license from the License Center you must enter all digits of the license including the leading '0's. Once your trial license is delivered via email install the license using the procedure outlined in the section Product Licensing.
Starting the Server
Refer to section Managing the SOAPam Server Process for more information on starting, stopping, and managing SOAPam Server
Accessing the Control Panel
Refer to section section The SOAPam Server Control Panel for information on accessing the Control Panel.