This element identifies an application server on the NonStop Server platform. The server is bound to a Web service method through the serverBinding attribute of the method element.
Attribute | Data Type | Usage | Default Value | Description |
name | xsd:NCName | required | none | The logical name for this server. It must be unique with <servers>. |
processName | xsd:token | required | none | The name of the process associated with the server. It may refer to a Pathway (PATHMON process) or a named process. See remarks below. |
serverClass | xsd:token | optional | none | If processName refers to a Pathway (PATHMON process), the serverclass name within the Pathway. If not present, processName is assumed to a (non-Pathway) named process. |
stringPadding | xsd:token | optional | zeros | Controls the way <element type="string" ...> are treated. Sets the default for <element> members of any <type> used by this server. Valid values are "zeros" and "spaces". See Remarks for the <element> element for more information. |
maxReplySize | xsd:positiveInteger | optional | see description | Controls the maximum reply size value used when the request is sent to the server using the WRITEREADX or SERVERCLASS_SEND_ procedure call. If this value is not set appropriately for the server type a SOAP fault will be returned to the caller. The default value is 57344 for process servers, 32767 for Pathway servers on the local node, 32000 for Pathway servers on remote nodes. |
The process specified by processName must be running at the time of method invocation or the Web service will return a fault. The format of processName must be [\node.]$process-name[.#subdevice[.qualifier]] or may be a define name (=NAME). If a define name is specified, the define must have been added to the TACL prior to starting the SOAPam Server.
<server name="BankServiceServer" processName="$BANK" serverClass="ACCOUNT"/>
<server name="MyServer" processName="$svr"/>