Server Parameters
Use this page to specify the server parameters for the method.
If the server is a standalone named process, enter the Process Name and leave the Server Class name blank. If the server is a Pathway server class, enter the Pathmon process name and Server Class name.
In either case, a TACL "DEFINE" name (e.g. =MYPATHMON) may be used for the process name. This will allow you to use this method with different servers (development vs. production, for example) without editing the SDF. The DEFINE name need not 'exist' at this time, but before you can call this method, you must have added the DEFINE name and mapped file and restarted SOAPam Server.
You may also specify the string padding this server requires for IPM string fields. Typically, C/C++ and TAL strings are padded with 'zeros' while COBOL and TACL strings are padded with 'spaces'.