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Reducing VFS Disk Space Usage

When files are deleted from the VFS the files are only marked for deletion. The file data records are physically deleted from the VFS00 & VFS01 files over time by a housekeeping process within SOAPam Server. You can use the VFSMGR utility to cause the VFS00 & VFS01 data records to be immediately deleted by running the following command from the TACL prompt:

tacl>run vfsmgr -vfs <vfs-subvol> -clean

After cleaning the VFS there may still be a large amount of unused disk space allocated to the VFS01 file. You can reclaim this disk space using the FUP RELOAD command by running the following command from the TACL prompt:

tacl>fup reload <vfs-subvol>.vfs01

Note that this command can be run while the file is open and SOAPam Server is running. You may need to run this command multiple times before all of the free space is reclaimed.


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