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Managing the Virtual File System

SOAPam Server stores all of its data in a Virtual File System (VFS). The VFS resides in a disk subvolume on your NonStop Server system. A list of the types of content stored in the VFS includes

  • SOAPam Configuration Settings
  • An optional customer-installed Server Certificate
  • All defined Users, Groups and Permissions
  • All Service Definition Files (SDFs)
  • The SOAPam Control Panel application
  • The SOAPam Service Definition Wizard application
  • Any SOAPam HTTP and diagnostic log files

A given SOAPam Server process instance accesses one VFS while it is running. However, many SOAPam Server process instances may access the same VFS, if desired. In this case, however, the SOAPam Server processes must all be of the same major version number.

When you first install SOAPam Server, you must create the VFS using the VFSMGR utility. Likewise, each time you install a new version of SOAPam Server, you must upgrade the VFS using VFSMGR. In the case of an upgrade, all customer-created content is preserved.

SOAPam includes two interfaces for accessing the VFS depending on purpose. VFSMGR is a NonStop-based command-line driven utility aimed at NonStop system administrators. The Control Panel is a browser-based application provided for SOAPam administrators.




Control Panel

Create, upgrade or validate a VFS



Install License Key or Server Certificate



Change SOAPam configuration settings



Add or delete users and groups



Create or delete folders



Set folder permissions



Create, read, update or delete files in folders


Import files from or export to Enscribe




† You can create or update Service Definition Files using Control Panel's Service Definition Wizard

Refer to the following topics for more information

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