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1.2 Releases

1.2.7 - 24 Mar 2024

Problems Corrected

  • Certificate chain building may fail if a self-signed certificate is installed.

  • PKCS12 import fails if the file was encrypted with legacy ciphers.

  • Update console footer documentation link,

  • Update CAROOT file.

  • Update libxml2 to version 2.12.5.

  • Update openssl to version 3.1.5.


  • LWCCOM now supports the CONVERT API command, which allows conversion of API definitions to DDL from the TACL command line. Previously, this conversion could only be done using the Console.

1.2.6 - 27 Sep 2023

Problems Corrected

  • --tls-cipher-list option does not accept TLS 1.3 specific cipher suites.

  • Update OpenSSL to version 3.1.2 to mitigate security vulnerabilities.

  • Update libxml2 to version 2.10.4 to mitigate security vulnerabilities.


  • All console download links now send session tokens as HTTP headers instead of query params.

1.2.5 - 27 Mar 2023

Problems Corrected

  • boolean fields are not handled correctly for XML

  • XML add by example reports parseFloat error, when the example contains floating point data and the browser is IE11

  • CLIENT may abend when message logging is configured and certain errors are returned from the collector serverclass

  • Update OpenSSL to version 1.1.1t to mitigate security vulnerabilities

  • Update Apache APR to version 1.7.2 to mitigate security vulnerabilities

  • Update APR-UTIL to version 1.6.3 to mitigate security vulnerabilities


  • None

1.2.4 - 28 Sep 2022

Problems Corrected

  • Swagger import generates invalid API & DDL when a JSON schema type contains only a primitive type definition

  • DDL generator copies operation description characters that are invalid in DDL

  • Schema editor find feature (CTRL-F) no longer works in v1.2.3

  • OpenAPI import reports error when response content contains an empty object


  • Update PCRE version to mitigate vulnerabilities

  • Add LWCCOM feature to validate licenses

1.2.3 - 17 May 2022

Problems Corrected

  • XML deserializer ignores the charset found in the content-type header and returns an error if the content is not UTF-8

  • CLIENT process logs error "ClientSocketCache discarded event ClientSocket.e.sendc"

  • LWCCOM environment is invalid if the TACL _DEFAULTS define contains the system name

  • SSL session closed error message does not show the request phase due to a formatting error

  • CLIENT process reports an erro but does not shut down when the startup http-credentials file is invalid

  • Console dashboard always shows CONSOLE running in CPU 0


  • Performance improvements in JSON de/serialization

  • Add Event Message Reference to the documentation

  • Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1n to mitigate CVE-2022-0778.

  • Update libxml2 to v2.9.14 to mitigate security vulnerabilities.

1.2.2 - 28 Sep 2021

Problems Corrected

  • API editor does not allow isArray, nillable, or isNull property on element

  • Filesystem housekeeping process uses unnecessary read lock operations

  • Setting isNull property to non-zero does not work on structures


  • Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1l

1.2.1 - 27 Mar 2021

Problems Corrected

[LC-982] - OpenAPI 3 import incorrectly imports arrays of objects.
[LC-986] - Message Logging meta data is only included when content spec includes "all"


[LC-987] - Message logging sets IPM & HTTP lengths on all events, regardless of content selection

1.2.0 - 25 Jan 2021

Problems Corrected (since v1.1.2)

[LC-921] - --blob-files option is rejected if it contains more than 2 optional values
[LC-934] - CLIENT may abend when writing diagnostic log after request timeout
[LC-935] - CLIENT ignores socket connection reset while receiving response body on TLS connection
[LC-937] - Schema does not allow for definition of a single element array
[LC-942] - API Editor allows download and DDL generation when API schema has changed but has not been saved
[LC-947] - Diag log system info RVU is incorrect
[LC-949] - DDL generator does not treat ENVIRONMENT as COBOL reserved word
[LC-965] - LWCCOM pagesize command may report valid input as invalid
[LC-969] - OpenAPI 3 import produces schema with invalid type references
[LC-973] - Process logger may leak memory when debug logging is enabled
[LC-974] - Setting isSet: true does not work for JSON object serialization when the object is empty

New Features

Add support for TLS 1.3. See --tls-protocols
Add support for Message Logging
Allow LWCCOM users with read access to the filesystem to execute commands that don't modify the filesystem. See the ALLOW-READ-ACCESS option under the LWCCOM CONTROL FILESYSTEM command.
CONSOLE process now supports process log configuration using configuration files. See Using Configuration Files.
Add additional measure counters for diagnostic logging (lwc-diag-log) and message logging (lwc-msg-log). See Using Measure Counters.

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