Configuration Summary
The Configuration Summary page summarizes the current server configuration. Configuration items that can be changed through the Control Panel are identified with a "pencil" icon. Click the icon to view the Control Panel section for the item. The remaining configuration items are established at server start-up and cannot be changed without restarting the server. Refer to Starting SOAPam Server for information on these items.
Server Process Information
- Program File - The name of the server program file, including the installation subvolume (path). If this is the 'privileged' version of SOAPam Server, the program file will be "SOAPAMP".
- Version - The SOAPam Server version in the form major-ver.minor-ver.patch.
- Release Date - The release date of the current version of the software.
- Primary Process - The process name for the server process and the processor (cpu) in which it is running.
- Backup Process - The status of the backup process, if configured.
- Process Owner - The Guardian user that started the SOAPam Server process.
- Memory Pages - The number of memory pages currently allocated by the process.
- Memory Size - The number of memory bytes currently allocated by the process.
- Memory in Use - The number of memory bytes currently in use by the process.
- User Impersonation - Whether Guardian User Impersonation is enabled.
- Large Pathsend IO - Whether 2GB Pathsend IO is available. This feature requires TS/MP 2.4 or greater.
- Default Encoding - The default character string encoding used by this Server.
Virtual File System Information
Disk Location - The location of the Virtual File System (VFS) used by this server.
Lock Status - Indicates whether the VFS is locked to prevent modification.
HTTP Logging - Indicates whether http logging is enabled.
Diagnostic Logging - Indicates whether http logging is enabled.
License Information
- License Status - The status of the currently loaded license.
- License Source - The source of the currently loaded license.
- System Number - The server's host system number.
- License Key - The server license key.
- Expiration Date - The license expiration date, or "none" if the license does not expire.
- Support Expiration - The license product support expiration date.
TCP/IP Information
- Host Name - The server's TCP/IP host name. Use the -host command-line option to override this.
Port List - The list of currently active TCP/IP ports and their status.
Security Information
- Current Username - The name of the user currently logged-in to the Control Panel.
- Basic Authentication - Indicates whether Basic Authentication is enabled.
- Digest Authentication - Indicates whether Digest Authentication is enabled.
- Digital Certificate - If a certificate has been installed, the "common name" associated with the certificate.
- Access Control - The current access control settings. See Access Control Management for more information.